Author Topic: Face_Weee  (Read 8568 times)

Why do you think it's so bad?I like it.

Why do you think it's so bad?I like it.
You're a noob,that's why you like it.

So here people hate other people because of their opinions?

So here people hate other people because of their opinions?
That's unfortunately how it works.

Just don't share your opinions and you won't get hated. 'nuff said.

WOAH! I think that guy smoked too many doobies.  :cookieMonster:

Makes me wanna throw up...

15th coment! looks hutride. like he just ate some dog's stuff.

15th coment! looks hutride. like he just ate some dog's stuff.
FFS stop bumping topics.
this is more than a 1 month bump. It's getting annoying seeing old topics that should stay old and die.


Is/Are he/you on crack?