Author Topic: GreenBH (Yeah, again)  (Read 13723 times)

The reason I repainted that mansion was because building one would be so damn hard.
I don-
You ar-
My only real response to this is to stare vacantly at the screen
you cant seriousl-
god damn

Quotes please, bro.
I basically said saving bricks from servers was fine but making them ugly then showing it off to people was bad, then furthermore having a nervous breakdown when people don't like it because it's not yours isn't too great of an idea either.

Taking someone's build and re-painting it does count as theft. Especially since it contains;

"Taking someone's build"

I'm claiming a COPY as my own. What? You MADE the copy, you idiot.
Oh, unless you're referring to the pelvic dance. In which case it's the same thing, since I'm linking it directly from DA.

I'm gonna log off now. Run away and hide from truth. Okay then.
Bye, .::Taforget::. Gee, you're so witty.

oh wow he just pollswapped the thread OH NO !!!!

I'm claiming a copy as my own...?

Sorry, not even I can make a huge rage at this. Lets just summarize Green BlockHead with something sophisticated because, in the end, a graceful taunt is worth a million insults.

A wit with dunces, and a dunce with wits.

Hi Taforget.

Okay, this is pretty amazing.

This isn't Blockland the game where you edit stuff, it's the game where you build stuff. Build stuff you monday.
I ranted out a guy for editing No Mercy, and he didn't even ruin it this bad.

He is a fine friend. He stabs you in the front.

He is a fine friend. He stabs you in the front.

Spy: ur doin it rong

lolo check his profile it says he's 15

He was born stupid, and greatly increased his birthright.

He's still losing the poll. :cookieMonster:

Ah, finally, a drama topic.
I have some things to upload, from when he saw me in Blockland.
But, while I upload those pictures, enjoy this PM I got from him.
And when I did all that,  the creator still has the build. It hasn't changed, it hasn't even destroyed a brick. Infact, before I repainted, I bulldozed all the bricks around it. But the creator still has what it looked like before. Now I gotta go and make a dupe on RTB forums, because I don't know how to make websites so I can upload it to release it here.

Here we go:

Green Blockhead, seriously, stop making yourself look like an idiot.