Author Topic: GreenBH.  (Read 3016 times)

So close in IDs, yet so far in intelligence.

Green block head, you are a loving monster. You think you can claim things as your own and no one will be mad. Well you are loving wrong dipstuff, what you are doing is so wrong. People get sued and go to prison for what you would call "saving and editing" they copy songs and change the lyrics, hoping to get famous of earning money. They go to loving prison. Do you know why artists sign their work? So no one will loving say " hey look guys, this is mine, I drew it, I am talented"
the original artist will feel violated. Be will feel like someone robbed him.

Green blockhead, you are aids, pure aids. Go to hell

Green block head, you are a loving monster. You think you can claim things as your own and no one will be mad. Well you are loving wrong dipstuff, what you are doing is so wrong. People get sued and go to prison for what you would call "saving and editing" they copy songs and change the lyrics, hoping to get famous of earning money. They go to loving prison. Do you know why artists sign their work? So no one will loving say " hey look guys, this is mine, I drew it, I am talented"
the original artist will feel violated. Be will feel like someone robbed him.

Green blockhead, you are aids, pure aids. Go to hell

Green block head, you are a loving monster. You think you can claim things as your own and no one will be mad. Well you are loving wrong dipstuff, what you are doing is so wrong. People get sued and go to prison for what you would call "saving and editing" they copy songs and change the lyrics, hoping to get famous of earning money. They go to loving prison. Do you know why artists sign their work? So no one will loving say " hey look guys, this is mine, I drew it, I am talented"
the original artist will feel violated. Be will feel like someone robbed him.

Green blockhead, you are aids, pure aids. Go to hell
If this doesn't get through to him then he really is handicapped.

I had spelling errors in there due to iPods are stupid and the spellcheck doesn't correct grammar

He ignored all of my posts because I was right, he probably won't post, he doesn't like being wrong.


READ loving ALL OF IT.


Main Entry: steal
Pronunciation: \ˈstēl\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): stole \ˈstōl\; sto·len \ˈstō-lən\; steal·ing
Etymology: Middle English stelen, from Old English stelan; akin to Old High German stelan to steal
Date: before 12th century

intransitive verb
1 : to take the property of another wrongfully and especially as a habitual or regular practice
2 : to come or go secretly, unobtrusively, gradually, or unexpectedly
3 : to steal or attempt to steal a base

transitive verb
1 a : to take or appropriate without right or leave and with intent to keep or make use of wrongfully <stole a car>
b : to take away by force or unjust means <they've stolen our liberty>
c : to take surreptitiously or without permission <steal a kiss>
d : to appropriate to oneself or beyond one's proper share : make oneself the focus of <steal the show>
2 a : to move, convey, or introduce secretly : smuggle
b : to accomplish in a concealed or unobserved manner <steal a visit>
3 a : to seize, gain, or win by trickery, skill, or daring <a basketball player adept at stealing the ball> <stole the election> b of a base runner : to reach (a base) safely solely by running and usually catching the opposing team off guard


I quoted this and PM'd it to GBH, and I recommend you all do it too.

I remember how much of an ass he was when we took his avatar, a picture in Blockland. That is technically Eric Hartman's avatar. I don't see him caring. That work was made on Blockland. We could've just hosted a single player, go to that spot, get the same avatar, get in the same car, and take a picture. You don't know that.

I remember how much of an ass he was when we took his avatar, a picture in Blockland. That is technically Eric Hartman's avatar. I don't see him caring. That work was made on Blockland. We could've just hosted a single player, go to that spot, get the same avatar, get in the same car, and take a picture. You don't know that.

Actually, GBH didn't even make his avatar. He shockingly stole it.

I remember how much of an ass he was when we took his avatar, a picture in Blockland. That is technically Eric Hartman's avatar. I don't see him caring. That work was made on Blockland. We could've just hosted a single player, go to that spot, get the same avatar, get in the same car, and take a picture. You don't know that.
Your pissing him off right now with his avatar!  :cookieMonster:

Your pissing him off right now with his avatar that he right clicked and saved!  :cookieMonster:

Actually, GBH didn't even make his avatar. He shockingly stole it.

Actually, GBH didn't even make his avatar. He shockingly stole it.
Naw, he only copied it, silly.