

Hi :D

Author Topic: Make funny error message EDITS.  (Read 14725 times)

thats the point

Re: Make funny error messages.


I got one:

Hey, what's that next to "BL_ID Database"?!

Which one, Facebook or Master Server?

Hey, what's that next to "BL_ID Database"?!
I see that you're trying to advertise.

I see that you're trying to advertise.
It was better than saying "blockland icon" you dumbass.

Oh, look at that , lol.

Not the best, but it is okay.
Fun fact: I took a shortcut by editing Game's OP in PDN.  This should not be included in the contest.  I am just putting it here so you can see it.

Credits: Me, for creating the general message.
           Gamefandan, for creating the chassis of the error message.

Master Server

The Blockland Master server. So I can check if it's down when people go "I got exited out of my server, is the master server down?!?!"


The Blockland Master server. So I can check if it's down when people go "I got exited out of Blockland, is the master server down?!?!"

I know the location, but is it hard to memorize?

I know the location, but is it hard to memorize?

It's there for convenience. I don't use it often enough that would make it worth memorizing.