Author Topic: Fixing the brick textures.  (Read 33037 times)

Badspot should just include these in the game.

Finally, a fix for this, it bugged me so much.

I have to agree with you on this, it does make it look a lot more impressive. Even if that's not what REAL legos would do, or whatever, I think it makes it a lot more interesting. I'll try to implement it on my own. But it does seem like a lot of weird things will happen when dark lights are added in. Like I found that with one example, dark lights with a player light makes them all light up in bright shades of blue, somehow. A glitch obviously, but it made me stop building what I was building. :/

I don't like how they darken brick's colours.
If you could fix that it's far better IMO.

I don't get why people are talking about what "real lego" does.

Look at some lego bricks in a pitch black room. Can you see them? No.

Look at them in a pitch black level in Blockland. Can you see them? Yes.

Is that realistic? No. Real lego does not glow in the dark. The tiny angles on regular lego bricks are no more reflective than the other facets, so they should not reflect light any more than the brick does in general. On Blockland, these tiny angles are ALWAYS lighter than the rest of the brick and are even visible in pitch blackness, implying that they are far more reflective. The default bricks also have grey/desaturated angled highlights/reflections. Somebody who knows anything about light would know that it's more or less ridiculous to cast a light on a coloured object that emits light which renders highlights desaturated. Light always saturates colour, doesn't it?

Blockland default brick textures are not realistic. This modification is fantastic, in my opinion :D

The white lines hurt my eyes! But this is
yeah, that.

This NEEDS to be the default!!!!!!

I can't see pics from Imageshack. Someone please include them in a attachment.

Bump. More people need to know about this.

I downloaded it and it made half of my torso dark and everything saturated.
It would look better if it didn't do that.

I downloaded it and it made half of my torso dark and everything saturated.
It would look better if it didn't do that.
But it does, and there is no way around it with just mere edits.

The problem of lights not working with bricks is one of the reasons I was turned off by this game most. Badspot should really consider looking into this.

This is equalling love.

loveed up my Medievil [YES NOTHER OEN] RP
« Last Edit: May 29, 2010, 08:10:58 PM by Funny guy329 »