Author Topic: Heedicalking's Modern War  (Read 120901 times)

Cant wait for the F14! :D

I remember that Heed was flying a helicopter over to the enemy base and we jumped out. I ran over to a sniping position to get a better look of things, then I noticed some Acers flying out of the base followed by those choppers that look like they're from the movie Avatar. One of them hover over the building I was in, shone a light down and looked around. I freaked out and ran off.

What chopper was this?

I was on your server. You should Relase all of those epic plnes and tanks. What's the holdup?

i d k about you guys, but for me, i press space bar to jump, so when i bomb, i jump out of the plane. also, i tried changing the jump key to r, but then it would also only bomb with r. so for me, i can't do a successful bombing run. so until you change that, no cookie! also i cant seem to place the iconsjavascript:replaceText('%20:iceCream:',%20document.forms.postmodify.message);

skycrane controls don't work for me

skycrane controls don't work for me
try it on a minigame

skycrane controls don't work for me
Why did you bump this?

try it on a minigame

^Lol, this was the 666th post in this topic.^

Why did you bump this?
Because the skycrane didn't work for him.

The vehicles Are nice But where are the weps? Ill give you  :iceCream: If you add them :D

I went to this server and saw this, flew it. and it's pretty realistic.

If you make the F4U Corsair, please make it look less like the stunt plane and more like these-

I'm making an F4U corsair....