Author Topic: Gravity Cats Firearms UPDATE V3!  (Read 131305 times)

Nuuu! Its the Scar-HEAVY! It is NOT the Scar-LIGHT, because then it would have the same damage like the Famas, because both weapons are using the same caliber. But the Scar-HEAVY, as the name implies, has a bigger caliber and is stronger. Srsly, I will change the guns name in the next version to Scar-H...

Aaaaaand to all weapon requests and all the people who want to post ideas for new weapons:
Thanks for your ideas, but I don´t know if I will add new weapons, which and how much. The next version will probably only contain one new weapon.
Dual Brownings?
If not, What will it be?

Make a Bushmaster, and you will be my now-favorite modeler/scripter.

Make a Bushmaster, and you will be my now-favorite modeler/scripter.
like i said, a busmaster acr would be great... these weapons dont seem to injure the players during a dm, only zombies and ais. do you have to have a certain player type??

Holy loving stuff AWESOME 10 cookies for you  :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

Nuuu! Its the Scar-HEAVY! It is NOT the Scar-LIGHT, because then it would have the same damage like the Famas, because both weapons are using the same caliber. But the Scar-HEAVY, as the name implies, has a bigger caliber and is stronger. Srsly, I will change the guns name in the next version to Scar-H...

Aaaaaand to all weapon requests and all the people who want to post ideas for new weapons:
Thanks for your ideas, but I don´t know if I will add new weapons, which and how much. The next version will probably only contain one new weapon.

It's not a Scar-H, if it was, the magazine wouldn't look like a 5.56 NATO magazine.
Also, the ACR would just be a Magpul-looking Scar that would do Famas damage due to them using the same caliber of bullet.

ACR uses 5.56/7.62 bullets, both of these (in blockland) would do the same damage as the Scar-H or Famas.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2009, 03:11:01 AM by chaseyqurt »

How meny datablocks does this take?

Rotondo's zombie mod ammo -support please.

EPIC although
the Bomb is named grapefruit im not sure I like that

EPIC although
the Bomb is named grapefruit im not sure I like that

Either for laughs or that is it's real name.

Ontopic: RTB please.

It's not a Scar-H, if it was, the magazine wouldn't look like a 5.56 NATO magazine.
Also, the ACR would just be a Magpul-looking Scar that would do Famas damage due to them using the same caliber of bullet.

ACR uses 5.56/7.62 bullets, both of these (in blockland) would do the same damage as the Scar-H or Famas.
Yeeees, sorry. My fault, I didn´t look close enough and made the wrong magazine.

like i said, a busmaster acr would be great...
No, no Bushmaster ACR. It would almost look like the FN Scar, no.
these weapons dont seem to injure the players during a dm, only zombies and ais. do you have to have a certain player type??
No, you don´t need a certain playertype. Try to turn off Rotondos Zombies in the Minigame GUI, or turn on Friendly Fire, or disable Rotondos Zombie-addon.
How meny datablocks does this take?
Don´t know, I´ve never count them. Why do you ask?
Rotondo's zombie mod ammo -support please.
Uhm, yeah, I didn´t figured out yet how to do that. I have to take another look at it...
EPIC although
the Bomb is named grapefruit im not sure I like that

Either for laughs or that is it's real name.

Ontopic: RTB please.
Grapefruit Grenade: Blah? If you want another "standard" grenade, say it.
Ontopic: Whoops, sorry, I forgot to replace the old link.

Gravity cat not amused.
Yet my friend, garvity cats are not amused, and Pheniox Wright still does his OBJECTIONS!

Uhm, yeah, I didn´t figured out yet how to do that. I have to take another look at it...
It depends if they overwrite the onfire method or not.

If they don't it's as simple as adding this:

$zombie::ammo::Gun[$zombie::ammo::Listcount++] = YourWeaponProjectile;
$zombie::ammo::AmmoYourWeaponProjectile = 60;

if they do overwrite the onfire method you'll have to add this:


To the onfire method, but even then it's not going to be fully supported, e.g. when you run out of ammo instead of hearing a clicking noise, it'll just get removed from your inventory.
Try looking at SolarFlare's Revolver script, he made it work well with the Zombies ammo and clicking sound.

I asked it in the topic some time ago and this were the best responses (and the only ones).

You know if you were to make a much better revolver than whoever made the Sixshooter like a fine 8-9 inch large caliber silver one then that would make you probubly one of my favorite people next to GSF Ghost, and Rotondo.

(On Topic): (From My Other Post) Very good weapons.

Here is an image link-
Sorry for just a link. I didn't know how to add an image to the post itself. :/
And yes I know about the Kraken but I'm talking silver and with that cool script when you shoot your view kind of shakes a bit. If you make this please add that with fairly high view destabelization.

And jbskier13 I completely agree with your sub-machine gun idea. Lol. I had even asked about one before but it was more of an Mp7 type gun. I like you Mp5k idea better.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2009, 07:23:16 PM by Pirate Peat »

I recommend looking at SolarFlare's revolver script for a good working ammo support.
Because you overwrite the Onfire function, else it will disappear when ammo reaches 0.

Also, SPAS-12 needs longer reload time (i was ok when i changed it to 1.00)
And the last thing, if someone kills you with the SPAS-12 it shows the wrong icon.

P.S. Bump