Author Topic: Your fears  (Read 6114 times)

I am afraid of any sting-type bug (bees, wasps, etc.). I am jittery around all flying insects (that buzzing is hell), I am not to fond of heights however I can deal with it.


"People have actually died from this"

no they haven't.

did you read the article? or listen to casio?

I'm scared of heights. So much, that I wouldn't go on a ferris wheel...but not going made all my priveledges go away! So I had to do it! I put my head into my dad's arms and closed my eyes! I DID IT!!

MMR Needles and spiders.

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Son of a...


Natural death I can handle, death by accident and such scares me.


Natural death I can handle, death by accident and such scares me.

I think a lot of people a mistake dying pains for death, I think people are more afraid of dying than being dead.

Anyways, I have a terrible fear of bad weather.

I'd love to talk with him about my religion problems and how I hate humanity.

I went on a zipline 2 days ago, screamed like hell.

Aww stuff, now I'm afraid to use the toilet. (Wut?)

I have a fear of big/deadly spiders... under your toilet seat or behind the toilet.
People have actually died from this:

Now post your fears.
Wow, just like me.

I did once saw a spider crawl past a seat when I checked it before I sat down.
Even though it was small, it still confirmed my fears that spiders would creep up my back while I was on the toilet.