Author Topic: secret i found  (Read 4409 times)

 *sudden realisation*           Nevermind lol

I never knew this.

You guys have to stop being richards and saying Everyone knows this or that.

I never knew this.

You guys have to stop being richards and saying Everyone knows this or that.
We're saying it that because everyone DOES.

We're saying it that because everyone DOES.


Unless you asked every single person on blockland, not everyone knows this exsists.


Unless you asked every single person on blockland, not everyone knows this exsists.
Well obviously since everyone is saying that everyone knows proves that every one knows. Except for some idiots because you insist that not everyone knows. Even if no one really knew, it's not that big of a deal.


Well obviously since everyone is saying that everyone knows proves that every one knows. Except for some idiots because you insist that not everyone knows. Even if no one really knew, it's not that big of a deal.


Proof pl0x. Description? what if I don't pay attention to the description on the building, or just ignore it?

And if it's not that big of a deal, why are people going "everyun knows this u cigaretteut gtfo loololo"

@ mario
some idiots does not make everyone. just some 12 year olds doing what they conceive as cool.

the general forum is not everyone.

@ mario
some idiots does not make everyone. just some 12 year olds doing what they conceive as cool.

the general forum is not everyone.

And where did you get that?

flameflameflameflameflameflam eflameflameflameflameflamefla meflameflameflameflameflamefl ameflameflameflameflameflamef lame!!!!!

and if you dont know about the blockland secrets..... your a TOTAL!!! noob

Hello, welcome to BLC (Blockland Corporations) forums, were here to make you have fun, useful, and overall building kind of game, enjoy your stay on BLC forums!


and if you dont know about the blockland secrets..... your a TOTAL!!! noob

Get out, please.

the general forum is not everyone.
I was making that statement based on only seeing 2-3 people actually not knowing this and the rest of the (estimated) 35 posters on this topic know.

what is cottage o_O
Why is Engrish so hard learn?

Sorry, I couldn't resist :'C