Author Topic: Kobewarrior  (Read 12653 times)

I hate how he says CASE CLOSED, when he ends threads, it really grinds my gears for some reason.

Maybe oiling your gears will stop them from grinding.

Grinding gears are not good for the operation of a Gamefandan.

Hers how:
I'm pretty bit new to the forums, so i don't know exactly how to fit in.
I don't know how you people post your comments like "Fail" or
Warning- while you were posting, a new message appeared without
getting flamed or getting insulted on. When i'm the one that is.
You people all don't make sense, you guys are flaming/pissed at
for something a lot of people do, how come you guys don't do that
to those people?

I really don't get you guys.

You know, it isn't that hard to pick up on things.

Besides, what do you not get?

You know, it isn't that hard to pick up on things.

Besides, what do you not get?
How this whole thing works: You don't start going against annoying people and i become the victim.

How this whole thing works: You don't start going against annoying people and i become the victim.
Then you probably don't belong here if you've been here for 2 months and don't get the forums.

He's said things about not caring at least twice in this topic, inb4ban.
You said the word caring, BANBANBAN

They were both in a post with content and not necessarily 'dismissive statements'. You take the rule way to seriously.

Fitting in is not something you consciously try to do. Oh, and nobody is actually offended by the "insult" gay, family men just seem to think everyone is for some reason.
Oh no, everyone who labels other things as 'gay' as an insult is a family man. Plenty of people use it as an insult, you people generalise the word family man too much.

Kobe, you're not ready for the forums.

Please come back in 3 months.

I don't know how you people post your comments like "Fail"
No one posts "Fail" because that indicates that the poster "fails"

How this whole thing works: You don't start going against annoying people and i become the victim.

Why don't you stop copying people's ideas and create yoru own dismissive statement to repel people.

I joined the forums a while ago. I observed for a few months. I posted, got flamed. I adjusted. Maybe you should start adjusting, or sitting back and observing.

He isn't good at adjusting. He just flames back with illogical assumptions whenever he's illogically or logically flamed.

Hers how:
I'm pretty bit new to the forums, so i don't know exactly how to fit in.
I don't know how you people post your comments like "Fail" or
Warning- while you were posting, a new message appeared without
getting flamed or getting insulted on. When i'm the one that is.
You people all don't make sense, you guys are flaming/pissed at
for something a lot of people do, how come you guys don't do that
to those people?

I really don't get you guys.

"Hey guys, I'm new so I'm just going to act like a complete douchebag to everyone in a desperate attempt to fit in!"

Thats some amazing logic you have going their kid. If you want to become friends with someone in real life, do you walk up to them and call them a loving handicap and then expect them to accept you? No, you would get punched in the face. This situation is similar to what is going on here, you acted like a prick to us, now we all hate you.

Refering to the bolded area:

The difference between them and you is that they no when you stop. They also have a nice side to them. You flame everyone with every bit of vulgarity you can fit into one post without getting banned.

I suggest you learn some decent social skills or just pack you bags and get the hell out of here.

Hey Kobewarrior, if you put a space heater near your computer, it will run faster. Try it!
The sad thing is, that actually works for me.

Look, i'm getting used to this, so ill stick with my REAL self. Cause i sometimes like entertaining myself.