Author Topic: Phobias  (Read 8127 times)

Autophobia- Fear of being alone or of oneself.

Sort of ties in with the on about the being singl

Acrophobia- fear of heights.

This is extreme for me. Looking down from about 10 feet makes me want to throw up.

I have Achluophobia -Fear of the dark
and I fear needles.
and being alone...

I'm afraid of someone following me, what's that?

Basic stuff for me.

Choking, drowning, not breathing, geting a limb stuck somewhere, walls closing in and crushing me,
free falling in a plane, eaten alive. Oh and im not afraid of the dark unless there is something in the corner making this wispering noise while watching me, and me having no idea where it is.

Aphenphosmphobia- Fear of being touched. (Haphephobia)
Arrhenphobia- Fear of men.
Aprrhenpobia-Fear of being touched by men :3

So what if you get in a fight with a guy, youll break out into panic?

Claustrophobic : Fear of small spaces.

ornithoscelidaphobia - fear of dinosaurs, I think.

Phobophobia- Fear of phobias.

Oh lol - Virginitiphobia - Fear of Rape
« Last Edit: November 23, 2009, 10:00:27 PM by Zenthos »

Agateophobia- Fear of insanity.

This one.

Arachnophobia, I scream like a little girl when a spider is even near me.

i have all 4 of these

Cypridophobia or Cypriphobia or Cyprianophobia or Cyprinophobia - Fear of prostitutes or venereal disease.