
How often do you play?

I don't.
27 (61.4%)
1-5 hours a year
2 (4.5%)
1-5 hours a month
2 (4.5%)
1-5 hours a week
0 (0%)
1-5 hours a day
5 (11.4%)
5+ Hours a day
8 (18.2%)

Total Members Voted: 44

Author Topic: STO  (Read 29076 times)

* Inv3rted breaks out e-snake.

That's a pretty lovey e-snake you got there I hope it gets stolen and/or broken, just to spite you.

What about Storeclerk?

* Inv3rted breaks out e-snake.

Zaran Lalvani
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9650 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
8190MB RAM
Hard Drive:    
Video Card:    
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280 (2-way SLI)
Generic PnP Monitor
Sound Card:    
Speakers (2- Logitech USB Headset)
USB Root Hub
USB Root Hub
Mouse Surface:    
Operating System:    
Windows Vista™ Ultimate (6.0, Build 6002) Service Pack 2 (6002.lh_sp2rtm.090410-1830)
Asus Striker II 780i
Computer Case:    
Antec 900

Well you know what they say about men who buy big flashy things to compensate for their "short cummings" Budum ching :D

Well I have confirmation that I will have most likely secured the collector's edition for a Christmas Present. Got to love sisters who work at Disney and can afford such nice things for their favored younger brothers. lol

 Thursday, I begin construction of the site with Bisjac. Hopefully anyways. I'm pretty sure I have in mind how I want to work it. I just need to figure out how I plan to design it. If you all want to sign up for the fleet, feel free to mention so in this thread or a PM and we'll get some kind of clan started and prepared well in advance.

Also, it would be appreciated if you listed how you prefer to play the game. Are you the type to be more of a PvP and spend most of your time patrolling the neutral zone for fights, or will you be the type to work more on advancing your character and ship for specific missions and support during incursions. In other words, more of a casual, laid back type.

Other details will be added as Ideas pop up or as gameplay changes. I'm hoping to be a part of the Beta testers, so I will know what to expect.

I read an article on it in PC Gamer giving all the details of how it works and stuff. Apparently you always have a party, if real players aren't in your party your squad comes with you, you can level all your squad members and give them gear and train them in different skills. You spend your time switching between space battles which are 100% strategy, like knowing when an enemy ship is going to drop it's defense shield for more power, then you can bolster all your shields power to where they are going to strike, and then try to strike them where their shield is weak, like in the show. You alternate between ship battles and missions where you get beamed down to do a task with your party, either your squad members or real people. Sounds kind of cool but I feel kinda bad there isn't any talk about exploring and such which I hope it has some of, I don't want to be forced to battle and then mission and battle and then mission in an enclosed environment. Also your guys have like 4 skills depending on what you are, and you can find and switch out the skills you want to bring with you, and you find squad members and buy them and such like pets.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2009, 12:54:54 AM by Visage »

I read as much as well through Game informer and as well on the main site they made to describe the game. But since it has yet to undergo beta testing, all of this is still subject to change and alteration based on the beta tester reviews. I'm pretty sure they'll include something on the more exploratory aspect that the series is claimed for. But as many fans have also stated, that process can become rather boring and tedious if done too much, so hopefully they can find a fair balance of missions that people can selectively choose based on how they feel like playing. This is one of the things I hope to find out should I be a beta tester. Or at least one of the first few to play after final release.

I have a strange feeling it is gonna suck, at least at release until they fix it up. I am good at reading like articles where they question the creator and seeing qualifying words and putting them all together to get "this stuff is gonna suck" directly from their mouths, it is like a super-natural power. But I definitely wanna play beta and I hope I am wrong.

Well that's why I usually avoid reading anything about something I'm interested. I'd hate to have a bad impression on it before I even get a chance to play it myself. Nowadays everyone is making big bucks off of rating a game really good or really stuffty, hardly anything in between. But I agree with you, it certainly has the potential to fail, and that it can always be easily corrected.

Well now they have upped the ante for pre-order exclusives and given people an option in what special content they want if they pre-order from certain stores. Here's the list of what you get from where.

    * GameStop: Exclusive ship: The classic USS Enterprise (extra engineering slot and blue phasers)
    * Best Buy: Pet Tribble or Targ (based on faction)
    * Amazon: "Liberated Borg" Bridge Officer with "unique nanotechnology augmentations"
    * Direct2Drive: Multi-Spatial Personal Shield (regenerates itself and player health)
    * Wal-mart: Bonus Skill Points (bestows additional skill points)
    * Target: TR-116 ground weapon (micro-transporter beams projectiles to target, no line of sight required)
    * Steam: Chromodynamic Armor, improves critical hits and damage of energy weapons

I'll most likely be getting the Game Stop version as the ship will be an early tactical advantage. but I might also opt to buy the code for the borg bridge officer to crew that ship. I'm sure it would go cheaper than buying a new game.

What do you all plan on choosing?

i dont like having cds if i can help it. and i want to be able to download it at any time later on.
but the steam preorder sucks.

I prefer having the discs. Mostly because I know a lot of the games I play, I might not always have access to the internet to reinstall the games. I'm just one of those poor schmoes who like having tangible things for my purchases. One exception was the rubber chicken avatar add on for XBLA but the thing has a pulley dammit! A PULLEY!!!

What it gonna be rated? On the picture you provided, it says Rating Pending.

What it gonna be rated? On the picture you provided, it says Rating Pending.
It's been updated to "Teen" rating due to fantasy violence and mild suggestive themes.

How do I see my system specs?

How do I see my system specs?
Right click on your computer icon on your desktop and click on the option in the drop down window that says "Properties" It will give you a basics of your processor, video card and RAM.

Also, Zachary "Spock/Sylar" Quinto is doing voice work for STO. Not sure exactly what his role is, but I'm guessing it has to deal with the opening tutorials for the game. Might be reprising his role of SPock, but he talked about programming, so I'm guessing he'll be some kind of EMH type character.