Author Topic: I Lost the Game  (Read 3104 times)

At first I thought you were about to commit Self Delete, and then the picture came up.

Anyways, I love that game.
Haven't played it in so long...

EDIT: Have fun at family game night.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2009, 09:29:43 PM by WhatevaGuy »

I played the game.
played the game.
the game.

I heard that game predicts the future.

If so i'm going to lose my house in a tornado.  :(

I heard that game predicts the future.
And I lost.


I'm going to get married and have 10 kids and get a uranium mine.

I'm going to get married and have 10 kids and get a uranium mine.
*Looks over sunglasses
Man we really need :Lookoversunglasses:

*Looks over sunglasses
Man we really need :Lookoversunglasses:

I'm a whiz at that game. I always get through trailing 2 or 3 cars just with kids. lol I'm a life Love machine.

We all have that temptation of lolicatgir- Ooooh that game