Author Topic: LewnaJa wants to get in mens pants (Hilarious IRC Chat)  (Read 4629 times)

While playing Visages RP Core server, one of the other admins Foam start talking about LewnaJa whining for admin. He unbans him and leaves. He told the owner that we can feel free to ban. So i took a high advantage of that because of his childish ways. Apparently he's desperate to be on the same server as his brother. His brother does care.
I ban LewnaJa shortly after for acting childish, but with a twist on the ban reason.

Expecting IRC Rage, it's just what i got.

Prepare to laugh.

Right now he's on visages server.
He's probably suspecting this. But at the same time, he probably doesn't even know what atheist is.

Discuss what you think about LewnaJa and the IRC Chat


Isn't like, 90% of the Blockland community Atheist?

Sounds like you provoked him. He's still insane though.

Sounds like you provoked him. He's still insane though.

Even if i did, I think that if everyone spent 1 day with him on any RP Core or CityRP(If you lurk around those servers), you'd see why i posted this.

Yes, I agree Lewnaja is a complete loving idiot. But seriously, the ban reason wasent funny at all, and it was kind of annoying how you kept hinting at it.

Yes, I agree Lewnaja is a complete loving idiot. But seriously, the ban reason wasent funny at all, and it was kind of annoying how you kept hinting at it.
This is exactly what I thought when I read it. Now I'm not original. :C

You provoked him, and lied. I've got no idea who LewnaJa is, but you were a real jerk.

You provoked him, and lied. I've got no idea who LewnaJa is, but you were a real jerk.

jesus titty christ man how innocent can you get

In Soviet Russia, screenshots take YOU!

In Soviet Russia, screenshots take YOU!

You have no clue how much i lol'd at that.

jesus titty christ man how innocent can you get
Pretty dang innocent.