Author Topic: Desert Eagle [Building Stealer]  (Read 3024 times)

My freind Antares and Me made a Christmas building with many houses,But Desert Eagle saved all the houses and loaded it whitout owner ship! Thanks for natedog1000 for information...

Name: Desert Eagle
ID: 4342
Reason: Building Stealer


Because loading without owner ship is totally illegal in Blockland.

Evidence first. Drama second.


User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: November 28, 2009, 05:51:23 PM by Badspot »

Because loading without owner ship is totally illegal in Blockland.
The FBI will literally bust into your home and steal your computer if you do steal a build.
(please dont sue me)

^yea your right and they'll nuke your house if your not careful
offtopic:my 1334 post

double toast
crap no edit i meant my 1134 post

Too,there another stealer of Antares's Christmas Building

Name: darksnow
Reason: Building stealer


I'm guessing you're MrLoLHax and got a name change.

Im not Mr.LoLHaX damnit,why everyone think I am :/

Here proof Darksnow stolen it:


Darksnow edited it:

Discuss :O

Darksnow is a build stealer. Antares told me to go to his server and I saw it. But he deleted part of it and re made it I think.