Author Topic: The Bug Mods  (Read 146703 times)

The Bug Mods
And the MAS Mods

These Mods require Rot's Zombie Mod

Note: The Bug Mods and the MAS Mods are two separate add-on groups. The Bug Mods being packs of AI bugs and the MAS mods being individual weapons and vehicles made by MAS Inc.
They are still included on this post because they are in the same story.

--Server Status--


(to be rewriten)

Some time in the year 2013, nuclear power gets really popular. So much so that the humans have to find a way to dispose of all the extra nuclear waste . They tried several things, but eventually decide to  just put it all deep in the earth. Then three years later (2016) an unexpected meteor storm began smashing earth with millions of watermelon-sized meteorites,causing earthquakes. Thinking their underground home was being threatened, millions of bugs, all mutated from the nuclear waste, headed strait for the surface. And so the bug invasion begins!

--Bug Mods--

--Bug Mod 1--  ---released!---  V3 in progress -- 80%
Get it Here



--Bug Mod 2--

(dragon fly, caterpillar, centipede models, made by Choneis, and Animated by DarkStar)

-Praying Mantis -- 0%
-Dragon Fly -- 45%
-Stag Beetle -- 20%
-Centipede -- 40%
-Jumping Spider -- 60%
-Tarantula -- 0%
-Caterpillar -- 45%
-Sand Parasite -- 38%
-Cicada --- 0%

--Bug Mod 3--

-Rolly Polly (Pill bug) -- 0%
-Earwig -- 0%
-Horse Fly -- 0%
-rooster Roach -- 0%
-Mosquito -- 0%
-Locust -- 0%
-Tick -- 50%
-Spine Crawler Spider -- 0%

--Bug Mod4: Hive Invasion--


-Ant -- 1%
-Fire ant (has a fire poison attack (burns enemy)) -- 0%
-Big Ant (guard ant) -- 0%
-Drone Ant -- 0%
-Queen Ant -- 0%


-Termite -- 0%
-Acid Termite -- 0%
-Big Termite (guard termite) -- 0%
-Queen Termite -- 0%


-Bee -- 0%
-Queen bee -- 0%
-Big Bee (guard bee) -- 0%
-Boomer Bee (Explosive Bee!) -- 0%


-Wasp -- 0%
-Queen Wasp -- 0%
-Drone Wasp (Guard Wasp) -- 0%
-Dart Wasp (Poison Wasp) -- 0%


-Mite -- See Mod 1
-Queen Mite -- 5%
-Poison Mite -- 5%
-Big Mite (guard mite) -- 5%


-Bug -- See Mod1
-Queen Bug -- 5%
-Big Bug (guard bug) -- 5%
-Boomer Bug -- 5%

Bug Mod5: Super Mutants

-Super Mutant Scorpion -- 5%
-Mutant Dragonfly -- 0%
-Giant Worm -- 0%

Bug Mod6: Beta Bugs  --for Team members only

-Fire Fly -- 30%
-Moth -- 0%
-Water Bug -- 0%
-Water Spider -- 0%
-TerraMite -- 60%
-TerraMite Poison -- 10%
-TerraMite Guard/Soldier -- 10%
-TerraMite Drone -- 10%
-TarraMite Swimmer -- 10%
-TerraMite Queen -- 10%

Mod6 is a reward to the Beta Testers, modelers, and scripters for all there help.
The only time non-beta testers will see these bugs ingame is on one of the team member's server (or mine :D ).

Special Items/Weapons
Some of these will be included with the Bug Mods.

-Bug Spray -- Found Here

-Leaf -- 0%  gives 5 health, and bugs love them.

-Metal Pole -- 30%  A metal pole with one end broken and sharp. This is a stabing weapon. (current model made by iownu424)

-Rock -- Get it Here

--MAS Mods--


- MAS Heavy Rocket Launcher V3 -- Get it Here

- MAS Bug Zapper -- Get it Here

- MAS Guided RL -- 2%

- MAS HHF Unit -- 30%

- MAS Orb Launcher -- 90%

- MAS Weapon Pod -- 0%



- MAS Armored Hovering Attack Tank (AHAT) -- 2%

- MAS Armored Hovering Rocket Tank (AHRT) -- 2%

- MAS Hover Troop Transport -- 0%

- MAS Armored Laser Tank (ALT) -- 0%

- MAS Armored Flamer Tank (AFT) -- 0%

- MAS Recon Truck -- 0%


- MAS V-TOL Attack Gunship -- 50%

- MAS V-TOL Heavy Attack Gunship -- 10%

- MAS Scout V-TOL -- 10%

- MAS Troop carrier V-TOL -- 45%

- MAS V-TOL Interceptor Gunship -- 5%

- MAS Swarm Fighter -- Get it here.

- MAS Rocker Chopper -- 10%

Base Defense

- MAS Rail Cannon turret -- 0%

- MAS Heavy Rocket turret -- 20%

- MAS Light Rocket turret -- 10%

- MAS Light Laser Turret (AA turret) -- 20%

- MAS Medium Laser Turret -- 35%

- MAS Heavy Laser Turret (Tank Killer turret) -- 40%

- MAS P.F. Turret (experimental Pulse Fire laser turret)  -- 10%

-More to be posted-

Walkers/Ride Armors/Mechs

- MAS Standard Ride Armor -- 65%
Ride armor pack 1: Basic Training

Basic Rifle.(medium to long range)
Flamethrower.(close range)
Rocket Pod attachments
Net gun

Ride armor pack 2: The Specialist

*Telsa Cannon.
L. N. thrower.
Bio Launcher
Warp Bomb

Ride armor pack 3: Hive invasion

Tactical grenade launcher.
Laser Cannon
Blast Pod attachments
Krotanium Plates (Bonus armor)
Flight mode?
Possibly more,

Stag Beetle
-Insert Bug-

Green text means its done.
Orange text means its almost done (75%)
Purple text means its started (25-50%)

And regular text means it hasnt been started.

Things I am currently actively working on have a * next to them.


- MAS Magma Exosuit -- 20%


- Prints -- 70%

--Mod Info--

-Special Mode-
What the Special Mode is= Some of the bugs mentioned in this topic have "nests", like the wasp, termite, and ant. I thought it would be cool to have some kind of escape-the-zombies-prison gamemode, where the ants/wasps/termites take you back to their nest and you would try to escape within a time limit. If all players are captured, the bugs win. If all players escape, the players win. If only some players escape, then the bugs win.

The ant's nest is a large anthill. It should be big enough to fit about 20 ants and 6 or 7 players.
The termite's nest is a termite mound-thing. It should be more tall then wide, and big enough to fit about 15 termites and 5 players.
The wasp's nest is, well, a wasp nest. It should be big enough to fit about 30 wasps and 10 players.



Jumping Spider

Bug recoloring

MAS Gunship

MAS E.L.C (Enhanced laser cutter)

Bug Zapper

MAS Ride Armor

MAS Orb Launcher

This one is kind of a joke  :P
I still need to put the MAS logo on there...


scorpion crouch animation (Blender Render; Will go ingame)

MAS Magma Exo-Suit

MAS Heavy RL V3.
(Many thanks to DrakStar, For making the advanced Minifig rig)

--More to be added--


I am no longer accepting new team members/beta testers, except for scripting. Sorry

note: Everyone that helps is automatically a beta tester

-Army Unit - modeler, animator, scripter, "owner"

-Blockoman - producer, beta tester

-Linkuto2121 - beta tester

-Random Ram - beta tester, hoster

-Krystal - beta tester -removed

-Razre - beta tester

-Choneis - Modeler

-DarkStar - Modeler, Animator

-Amade - Scripter -never helped... :P

-Unknown Player - Modeler

-Hydralisk - Modeler (not on forums)

-Annoying Orangeetfan - Beta tester, hoster -inactive for too long

-Skyra - Beta tester

-raptor360 - Beta tester

-lordician - Lead Scripter, Beta tester

-Kevin - Modeler

-Bostik - Video Recorder

-bithead9 - Map Maker

-iownu424 - Modeler

--Making Suggestions-

I need some good ideas for some of the mods.
Most suggestions are welcome for now, just follow these gidelines:

-Nothing over-powered
-Has to be somewhat real -- What I mean by this is it has to come from Earth (no aliens) there can be super mutants and cross breeds.
-Try and make it different

--Bug reporting and problems  (not ment to be a pun :P )

As usual, please report any problems/glitches you find.

The biggest problem/glitch that most people inform me of is the fact that the bugs don't take damage.
I have experienced this myself, any of the AI bugs would only take damage from explosion, and one server I joined they wouldn't take any damage ever.
NOTE: I have only seen this happen with Mod 1.

The most suspected cause of this is the Bug Mod and another mod are conflicting.

If you have this problem please post your consol.log file.

« Last Edit: June 12, 2010, 05:23:43 PM by ArmyUnit »

can i plz be a beta tester

can i plz be a beta tester


for the last time I have too many!

Army. Thank you for the beta bugs as a reward. I will try to give you some good ideas in return.

Army. Thank you for the beta bugs as a reward. I will try to give you some good ideas in return.

No problem. I'm looking forward to making those terra-mites. ;)

/waits for good ideas

Great stuff Army, Its looking good!

Great stuff Army, Its looking good!


I'm actually working on a file about MAS inc. right now, think I should post it?

Cant wait for the bug mod 4

Sdfadadsfa hover tank!!1!1!

Wow, you're still working on this, Army Unit? Awesome. =]

New MAS weapon idea:The bug bomb.
Tired of pestes? Want them to kill eacother? Well now you can! With the all new bug bomb. This little jar filled with water-ish bug guts. What ,you hit some one? No problem! The special formul makes the victum only smell bad. Plus with that formula it makes a great drink. Order your's today! To get the bug bomb please call: 1-800-MAS-CREATIONS to get free bug bomb!
Warning:The juice might make a coated victum smell bad and require 50 baths. Do not put in eyes.

Jumping spider looks nice bro.

Jumping Spider=Win

Vehicle_Incinerator- a light vehicle with twin mounted Flamethrowers

Also, working on the updated sounds?

Vehicle_Incinerator- a light vehicle with twin mounted Flamethrowers
Wow, that was totally random.