Author Topic: Blockland changed into a read-only file overnight! Help me!  (Read 1048 times)

When I start BL, a window pops up say "cannot write to key.dat.file. This can be caused by opening BL from a read-only directory or CD-ROM" Needless to say, I do not play BL from a CD. I joined in v8, and I never had this problem till yesterday. Now when I save, the save does not show up in the load or save lists. The code window says "Error opening ______.jpg" Has anyone else had this problem? How can I fix it?

If you still know your key just re-install and copy your save to the new blockland. (this belongs in help)

Re-download and get your key back from Key recovery, at the main site

You only need key if you buy it, I already re-installed it. Also, I dont really want to lose all my old saves.

Make a copy of your saves folder and copy it to the new blockland folder.

Thats still not the problem, Bl is still read-only. Is there any way to change it back to RAM?

I think this is caused by some compatibility issues with Operating Systems. I don't know what the actual bug is, though.

If on Vista (possibly 7) Make sure you have it installed to C:/Blockland rather than C:/Program Files/Blockland   This is due to the permissions the OS applies on those folders. Also make sure you are running as an administrator if you are on either of those OSs (right click > Run as Admin).

I have mine in program files and it works fine, I'm using vista too. Check your addon folder for any addons that may have a copy of them self that you can't open.

How do I run it without being administrator?

Nvm about my last post, I thought you said you have to run BL as admin... Oops.

I have mine in program files and it works fine, I'm using vista too.
If you have various things such as UAC disabled on Vista it won't matter.

How do I run it without being administrator?
Vista, when you just double click a program, by default it will just run as a non-admin. You need to do one of three things to run it as administrator - Disable UAC, Under the "Compatability" tab in the shortcut properties, tick the Run as Administrator box, or just right click run as administrator (has to be done every time unlike the other 2 methods).

If you do not have administrator privilages, I believe you may have trouble running Blockland.

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Yes I did say that.

I don't have Vista, I have XP

If you do not have administrator privilages, I believe you may have trouble running Blockland.

Can I get admin privilages w/o being admin? My dad says he wont let me be admin for his own stupid reasons. And anyway Bl worked fine before this when I wasnt admin.

Can I get admin privilages w/o being admin?
I was jumping the gun slightly, and assuming you had Vista, I don't think that admin should be an issue for XP users.