Author Topic: Relationship Psychiatry  (Read 2032 times)

So there's this girl I like. Nothing too romantic about it, other than I'd be interested in perhaps taking her out sometime, that sort of thing.

Now, this is mostly hypothetical because really, I'm tired of all this high school drama bullstuff and I have better fun being single.

Say I asked her out in the near future, as a full fledged boyfriend. Now, say she said no (shocker there).

We see each other roughly 20 minutes and a class that she sits three sections ahead of me. She thinks I'm funny and she does enjoy my company, we're not the greatest of friends but we share a few things in common, yadda yadda yadda.

So, lets say she says no. What would that possibly do? Would it really be such a complete and total offense that she no longer speaks to me? Period?

She's not the girl to get easily embarrassed, she's very smart, and hell, she's a senior so she's rather mature.

So, all I'm saying is, if I were to ask her out, what do you think would happen? Me personally, I don't plan to do it, simply because I didn't really want to all of a sudden. Perhaps I'll ask her to a dance or prom or something, if that. It happened to be brought up in band the other day when I heard she was single. I said to a friend: "Eh, she's cute and I rather enjoy hanging around her, I'd probably be interested." Then he said something to the effect of: "you have no chance" or some lame remark, and I said: "Hey, maybe I'll ask her out just to shut you up." Some how or another this got me into a huge fight about: "don't do it man, she;ll never speak to you again, it'll be awkward!"

Please, I'm the king of awkward. I'd relish it.

The only reason I ask is because these people are so god damned immature that they still deal with relationships in the 3'rd grade mindset. Sending people notes, having another person ask if you like them, all this nonsense that I think we need to grow out of.

So, someone say they support me so I can shut this kid up.

EDIT: Damn typo.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2009, 07:06:19 PM by Swholli »

I think you should do it.

Ask her to a dance like you suggested, to break the ice (or fall into the water, I'm not really an expert here) and if she says yes, ask her out later? I don't know?

Lol, I might.

Dunno what her reaction might be though. I assume it'd be positive, even if it were a no.

I think you should do it.
Do it Maggot. <crud its suppose to be an "F">

Well, My friend Asked out this Goth Girl who barely new him, right?
Of course, in that shock, she automatically said yes.
So, you don't know what you'll get. But I do hope you get her.

She really is quite the catch, but then that may make her completely out of my league.

Do what your heart tells you...


Can we have a description of her first?


Tall, brunette, Cish cup, possibly bigger (I'm no good with naming bra sizes), uhh. Freckles?

See, I'd post a picture, but then Warren would come all in here and be like: "ha fool you has no chance wit dat bitch."

Don't know Blocklanders in real life, it can only hurt you.

Well, My friend Asked out this Goth Girl who barely new him, right?
Of course, in that shock, she automatically said yes.
So, you don't know what you'll get. But I do hope you get her.
Wrong "new/knew" Also, you're 12, that doesn't really count.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2009, 07:22:59 PM by Marcem »


Tall, brunette, Cish cup, possibly bigger (I'm no good with naming bra sizes), uhh. Freckles?

See, I'd post a picture, but then Warren would come all in here and be like: "ha fool you has no chance wit dat bitch."

Don't know Blocklanders in real life, it can only hurt you.
Tru dat.

Wrong "new/knew" Also, you're 12, that doesn't really count.

Also true. Which is exactly how these people act.

I know I myself am only 17, but regardless, I think at a faster level than half the school. I'm not in relationships for "love", I'm in them for poontang. I'll worry about love when I'm in my 30's and alone.

Though, mind you I can still enjoy her as a person. It's just, why the hell not enjoy being young with poontang.