Author Topic: God.. there soo loving handicapped.  (Read 2570 times)

i wish everything was funny. it is fun to have a sense of humor
What sense of humor?

Get used to it. It is the reason i switched to Blockland.

Roblox is kinda uptight but whining about it in a thread isn't going to do much about it.

I don't like your mom jokes lets ban him for 14 days!

Horrible places and lag is why I left roblox.
Although one time this dude was going to jump fom one building to another and there was one big building and he didnt want to
so i said "DO IT friend  :cookieMonster:"
and then I got reported
also for saying bastard in the comment box

Your mom's bed!

Quote from:  Shakespeare's Timon Of Athens play
Painter: "Y'are a dog."
Apemantus: "Thy mother's of my generation. What's she, if I be a dog?"

You complain about a fair ban. You know, BL should have the same system, there's to many obsessed noobs who curse and ban for power in BL....But yeah, you're stupid and deserve this..