Author Topic: Your worst injuries  (Read 5543 times)

Yes, because duct tape fixes everything.

Yes, because duct tape fixes everything.

Two things you need in life: duct tape and explosives.
Because if you can't fix it with duct tape, just blow it the forget up.

Yes, because duct tape fixes everything.

lol, but seriously duct tape did fix, held it in place long enough for it to recover.

I fell off my bike while riding off a hill and put my left foot on the land instead of using the brakes. So I landed with my body and opened my left knee and my left arm was bleeding a lot.

I didn't feel my knee but I did feel my arm. I also got some bruises and grazes in my hands and legs. I got 5 stitches in my knee and got my arm bandaged, couldn't walk properly for a month. Today I still have scars in the knee and the arm :D.

I like scars.


I pretty sure there's still granite in there, as otherwise it would've gone away already.  There's a ton of skin grown over it, and it doesn't bother me, so I'm just gonna leave it there.

It's graphite, not granite.

Lol granite pencils, those wouldn't write very well

i fell in glass from a smashed bus stop window when i was young. I still have a glass-shared shaped scar near my eyebrow.

2nd worstest ones: I was playing football and someone fell on ground and so I caught ball and someone tackled me onto other guy who fell on ground. Of course ball flew out of my hands, and there was alot of injuries to other people.

My brother shoved my eye onto a wooden chair. Black Eye for a week.
My brother cracked my toe. YEOWCH <not like broken toe>
My brother shot a rubber band at my eye. I cried for half an hour.
My brother hit me real hard. I became real grumpy and refused to eat chips.

First worst: I was a baby. I cracked my head on the hotel closet bars. Had to get stitches. THE NUMBING SHOTS DID NOT WORK! Nurses had to hold me down and I was screaming sooooo badly. THAT HURT SO MUCH!

My brother shoved my eye onto a wooden chair. Black Eye for a week.
My brother cracked my toe. YEOWCH <not like broken toe>
My brother shot a rubber band at my eye. I cried for half an hour.
My brother hit me real hard. I became real grumpy and refused to eat chips.

1) Shouldn't hurt that much.
2) Pansy.
3) Pansy.
4) You probably deserved it; shouldn't have hurt that much.

1) Shouldn't hurt that much.
2) Pansy.
3) Pansy.
4) You probably deserved it; shouldn't have hurt that much.
4) Duude, you don't know how hard my brother can hit.
1) And yes black eyes may seem like they don't hurt but he rammed it HARD into the chair.
3) He has strong fingers. REALLY STRONG FINGERS. And it was super close and I didn't know it was coming
2) I didn't cry, it just got stubbed and cracked. I had to wait 30 minutes for it to become uncracked.

4) Duude, you don't know how hard my brother can hit.
1) And yes black eyes may seem like they don't hurt but he rammed it HARD into the chair.
3) He has strong fingers. REALLY STRONG FINGERS. And it was super close and I didn't know it was coming
2) I didn't cry, it just got stubbed and cracked. I had to wait 30 minutes for it to become uncracked.

What is up with the crazy order?

What is up with the crazy order?
It took me a while to remember each one.