Author Topic: I'm converting.  (Read 13623 times)

That's right, I'm converting to Christianity. I realize now that atheism is flawed and I have found the lord and savior Jesus Christ.

Thanks everyone, sorry I was such a douche.

Now will you get rid of your stuffty avatar?
Edit: Fast post is fast :cookieMonster:

I'm guessing that this is a joke, or someone stole his account.

I lol'd this must be either:

A) Someone stole his account.
B) A Joke.
C) He actually(LOL) did convert.

C) He actually(LOL) did convert.
I doubt this.

It'd be like Badspot joining servers again, Feep posting something actually intelligent, or VH not looking like a girl.

am i dead? dreaming? having morphine?

No guys, I'm serious.

This isn't a joke. I'm actually converting.

I doubt this.

It'd be like Badspot joining servers again, Feep posting something actually intelligent, or VH not looking like a girl.
or dividing by zero and nothing happening

Huprah! We must praise the Lord!

See ya in heaven!

No guys, I'm serious.

This isn't a joke. I'm actually converting.
What event happened to you that traumatized you into this?

What event happened to you that traumatized you into this?

You say it as if it is a bad thing.

Okay, if you are serious Inv, just promise me you won't become some religion-nut.

What the hell is going on here?

Since none of you guys believe me, here's the story.

I was walking over to my friend's house today when I saw a homeless man crossing the street. A car came speeding down the street and hit him.

Honestly, that made me realize that people dying is something that science cannot explain. Why did that man have to die? Science can't explain that. I made the decision to convert in hopes that perhaps I can be saved from that terrible, undeserving death. At the very least, I want to repent for my sins. I know there may not be much hope for me, but I don't want to die remembered as a horrible human being.