Author Topic: I'm converting.  (Read 13622 times)

You seemed to give up, Inverted.
I think he's actually swimming against the stream at this point.

I think a lot of people that are Atheists have more of a problem with religion than they do with the idea of God. They're two completely different things, and it saddens me when people get so mad at religion that they also give up on God.

That's not it. The entire idea of being an atheist is that you don't believe in a god. The problem with religions is that they try to justify their beliefs with a god. Nothing else enforces the idea of a god than a religion, so if you're fed up with god you're fed up with religion and vice versa.

Why should he, it's his life, he told us, if you don't like it, don't post.

I can post whether I like it or not. The only instance I couldn't is if I didn't care.

did the hobo deserve it though?

He didn't "deserve" it, but he doesn't need to. The thing is that just because you don't understand why something happened or because it affected you doesn't mean there isn't an explanation. In this case it's that deserving had nothing to do with it. It's the driver's fault.

Atheists don't care about religion or the idea of god at all, they just know handicaps can't handle it so would rather it not exist.


Religion and God are two completely separate things.

Religion and god "go hand in hand".


The religion he's converting to has a god as it's central theme.

Religion and God are two completely separate things.
It just so happens that religion and gods go hand in hand.
Aka: most religions have a god or two involved.  Except for things like Taoism and Buddhism.

You seemed to give up, Inverted. You should not change your beliefs for a community of teenagers/handful of adults. I got grilled hundreds of times at school everyday for being athiest. I tell them all the same thing.

"It's America. My beliefs are my own, I have no problem with yours."

It's your life, do as you please. It just seems to me you have converted for other reasons. I wish you all the luck in Christianity. I hope you don't become a radical like the nasty children in my high school trying to convert non-believers by cursing and through profanity.
that makes no sense, he didn't switch because of peer pressure, but because he saw a hobo get killed

that makes no sense, he didn't switch because of peer pressure, but because he saw a hobo get killed

Which is a pretty dumb reason, I gotta say.

Religion: 1. A specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons.
            2. Something one believes in and follows devotedly

Religion itself has nothing to do with God. If you pick up trash everywhere you go, it becomes your religion.

It bugs me when people become mad at others because of religion. EVERYONE has religion

Quote from: Topic Title
I'm converting.

Rex. I am disappoint.

Religion: 1. A specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons.
            2. Something one believes in and follows devotedly

Religion itself has nothing to do with God. If you pick up trash everywhere you go, it becomes your religion.

It bugs me when people become mad at others because of religion. EVERYONE has religion
Once again: most religions have a god or two involved.  Except for things like Taoism and Buddhism.

Most religions.  Most religions have gods.  Religion doesn't need a god, but most have them.

You seemed to give up, Inverted. You should not change your beliefs for a community of teenagers/handful of adults. I got grilled hundreds of times at school everyday for being athiest. I tell them all the same thing.

"It's America. My beliefs are my own, I have no problem with yours."

It's your life, do as you please. It just seems to me you have converted for other reasons. I wish you all the luck in Christianity. I hope you don't become a radical like the nasty children in my high school trying to convert non-believers by cursing and through profanity.
Kinda ironic a bunch of christians judging and harassing someone for being an atheist. I dunno wth school you went to that that would even come up anyway, and you really gave them a rational response? Kids don't usually respond well to that.

That's right, I'm converting to Christianity. I realize now that atheism is flawed and I have found the lord and savior Jesus Christ.

Thanks everyone, sorry I was such a douche.

are you ever going to stop bringing up stuff about religion

Religion: 1. A specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons.
            2. Something one believes in and follows devotedly

Religion itself has nothing to do with God. If you pick up trash everywhere you go, it becomes your religion.

It bugs me when people become mad at others because of religion. EVERYONE has religion

That's a very literal definition. It's not the way the word's used normally. By this definition, atheism is a religion, but religion is too often confused with some sort of science antonym.

Most "standard" religions have a god.

Kinda ironic a bunch of christians judging and harassing someone for being an atheist. I dunno wth school you went to that that would even come up anyway, and you really gave them a rational response? Kids don't usually respond well to that.
They don't. I just report them for harassment.

did the hobo deserve it though?
A man said to the universe:
"Sir I exist!"
"However," replied the universe,
"The fact has not created in me
A sense of obligation."
-Stephen Crane

Aka: most religions have a god or two involved.  Except for things like Taoism and Buddhism.

but you are still going for divine enlightenment, which is still trying to believe a superior force will give you knowledge