Author Topic: This generation?  (Read 4711 times)

The taste of this generation is definitely worse.

Music (forget linkin park), ways to wear clothing (PULL YOUR loving PANTS UP), speech patterns ("mad" does not mean "very"), and books/movies (twilight and paranormal activity).

Should those damn kids stay off your lawn too, gramps?

Is it me, or is this generation pretty bad. Pretty much 3/4 of the school I am in is filled with under age potheads and smokers. Thinking that these people are the ones that will be adults and make decisions is pretty scary. Thoughts?

Better get our act together then because the baby boomers forgeted up everything and we're here to clean up the mess. They don't care what happens throughout our generation, they will be dead.  :cookieMonster:

I love this movie. Kinda explains the path we're headed in so nicely.

Almost everyone I know is either in a gang, or smokes pot.

I love this movie. Kinda explains the path we're headed in so nicely.
I saw that movie
these 2 guys and a prositute got into a car and drove away from the police. then they escape from the car and the police shot the car with all their guns and rockets and stuff for about an hour before they realized they werent in it

Better get our act together then because the baby boomers forgeted up everything and we're here to clean up the mess. They don't care what happens throughout our generation, they will be dead.  :cookieMonster:

Yeah I'm really going to listen to you with THAT chibi rendition of an avatar.

If your decision between listening to me or not is most heavily weighted by your opinion on my avatar, you are stupid. It's a joke.

If your decision between listening to me or not is most heavily weighted by your opinion on my avatar, you are stupid. It's a joke.

No saying that the baby boomers forgeted up EVERYTHING and you have no idea what the baby boomers where, specifically with that avatar.

what the baby boomers where

Stop making outrageous assumptions: Stating I do not know who the baby boomers "where." Oh, and I think you mean 'were,' get it right. How can you possibly know if I know about something; you don't. Once again, you cannot accurately judge my intelligence by looking at my avatar. Adding onto this, the cookie monster at the end basically implies that my statement was not to be taken as seriously as you took it. But, there is still some truth in it. The baby boomers did forget up a good amount of stuff.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2009, 01:59:13 AM by Manty »

Oh hey I'm going to completely change the subject by over look his grammar to make it seem like I'm the intelligent one. All generations forgeted up their fair share of stuff in their time. The baby boomers WERE being raised to fight communist scum such as yourself, oh and hey you better get in line for the bread and soup, It's getting pretty long comrade Stalin looks down upon scavengers.

This generation is filled with friends who think national socialistsm is cool just because they want to be different.
Speaking of friends, I can't stand macho cigarettes.
I don't care if you're Mexican. Your parents had to skin their knees over barbed fences for you to live here.
So shut the forget up.

Your stupidity amazes me. Also, you're the one who initially changed the subject by ranting about my avatar. Apparently you cannot take a joke. Having a Soviet Union avatar does not mean that I am a communist. Now, I was merely pointing out the baby boomers because their remnants are not vague and will last for a good amount of time. I never said that the baby boomers were the only generation that forgeted up stuff during their time.

This generation is filled with friends who think national socialistsm is cool just because they want to be different.
Speaking of friends, I can't stand macho cigarettes.
I don't care if you're Mexican. Your parents had to skin their knees over barbed fences for you to live here.
So shut the forget up.

I wouldn't say national socialistsm is the right word because everyone says "OH HITWER KILLED SIX MIWWON JOOZE" but you got 12 year olds and Mr.Comrade up there with his Hammer and sickle avatar thinking Communism is cool because of the pretty pictures and music but they fail to realize Stalin sent 22 million of his own people to early graves by throwing bodies at the Axis powers, also slaying 10 million Ukrainians for the hell of it. I can't stand watching some wannabe goth/emo friends walking around with Hammer and sickles on their shirts and their Che Guevara shirts and hats and not knowing what they really mean.