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Author Topic: Duck's New PC Thread  (Read 12873 times)

I must be a dinosaur.
Because I can't sue Duckmiester's new computer. :D

Oh snap, dinosaur lawyer.

I must be a dinosaur.
Because I can't sue Duckmiester's new computer. :D

Everyone who isn't Duckmiester is a dinosaur!

Oh snap, dinosaur lawyer.


I've always wanted to be a Dinosaur lawyer :D

As long as none of these dinosaurs are raptors, I'm okay.

Raptors can pick locks, you know.  You are never safe from the raptors.


Duckmeister, I don't understand how you think you can win. You simply never will. No matter what argument I provide, you will attempt to refute it, and I will refute your rebuttal. In the mean time, science will advance past the roadblock that is creationism and slowly but surely eradicate it.

The future of your beliefs is sealed, mon ami.

I've read the posts you've made in this thread, and I've decided that you have proved your views to be irrelevant as you claim atheism to be a religion and evolutionism to be a religious doctrine.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2009, 08:58:02 PM by Inv3rted »

How can Rex go jihad if he's not even muslim?

racism fail.


Duckmeister, I don't understand how you think you can win. You simply never will. No matter what argument I provide, you will attempt to refute it, and I will refute your rebuttal. In the mean time, science will advance past the roadblock that is creationism and slowly but surely eradicate it.

The future of your beliefs is sealed, mon ami.

I've read the posts you've made in this thread, and I've decided that you have proved your views to be irrelevant as you claim atheism to be a religion and evolutionism to be a religious doctrine.
cry about it
this thread is about his computer not your political-religious-whogivesastuff views.
Haven't we been through this before?

How can Rex go jihad if he's not even muslim?

racism fail.

No doubt Duck will claim it was intentional.  Unfortunately he isn't that witty.

cry about it
this thread is about his computer not your political-religious-whogivesastuff views.
Haven't we been through this before?

lol, Australians.

Duckmeister, I don't understand how you think you can win. You simply never will. No matter what argument I provide, you will attempt to refute it, and I will refute your rebuttal. In the mean time, science will advance past the roadblock that is creationism and slowly but surely eradicate it.

You won't win either as he won't back down. You'll both go away from this thinking you've won until the next "battle". Why can't you just stick to topics and stop derailing to whore attention to your "crusade". It does nothing to further the forums and if anything, is a main cause of flame wars.

cry about it
this thread is about his computer not your political-religious-whogivesastuff views.
Haven't we been through this before?

Thank you.

You won't win either as he won't back down. You'll both go away from this thinking you've won until the next "battle".

Irrelevant, seeing as he's lost the war.

...is a main cause of flame wars.


You won't win either as he won't back down. You'll both go away from this thinking you've won until the next "battle". Why can't you just stick to topics and stop derailing to whore attention to your "crusade". It does nothing to further the forums and if anything, is a main cause of flame wars.

By "furthering" the forums do you mean they have the potential to evolve?