Author Topic: Help me find something  (Read 442 times)

I need a highres image (needs to be good enough to print like 8x10ish) of one of the obama "Yes We Can" pictures... it can have another slogan or whatever, but I'd like it to be one of these styled ones. I've been looking but can't find one. I don't really like obama or anything but I need this for something haha. I've been googling all over the place and I can't find one, and now it's time to go to work, so... you guys should help me :3 i really have been looking so don't do lmgtfy or anything ha.

I got that on my first search of "Obama Yes We Can" in Google Images

me too

how do you expect to print that 8x10 and look good?

me too

how do you expect to print that 8x10 and look good?

Have you tried?