
Release the secret to create this?

49 (53.8%)
16 (17.6%)
Develop it more, then release.
26 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 91

Author Topic: Event radar  (Read 3282 times)

Um... I did this a while back with a little more complexity. I used 4x4f that covered a 64x64f area. It even did the thing that goes around to find things.

I attempted something like this a month or two ago. Dimensions were roughly 64x64x64 cube. USed onplayerinzone, I think, Ill have to dig up the save, though... The main problem I had was that the output tables (two, one for the vertical and horizontal planes) would read you just outside the zone and place your in cube spaces you did not occupy. Thanks to you, I may actually go back and work out the bugs, the vast majority of which prevented me from completing the project.

If you need proof, then Ill be glad to post a current copy while I finish the touch up.
Touch up is merely cosmetic to ensure that all zones are created and to cut down on the number of events.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2009, 10:54:10 PM by Pathfinder »

You should remake it and then post instructions on how to do it :)

Ah, what the hell. I've got nothing else better to do. :D

It's really not hard at all, though the idea is golden.

Try making a new version that has a spherical range for double cookies.

Ah, what the hell. I've got nothing else better to do. :D
Yes you do!

Get back to working on Valhalla Mister Lazy-Pants!

Is the "bps" part of the radar or that speed mod? It'd be cool if you could make a speed-camera zone with it.

Back when there was onVehicletouch, I had one of these set up. Relays and variable events (or printebricks) can be magik.

I made one before with playertouch events. and i hated evented each and every one :c

if you have vehicle outputs or scaled spawns, you could have a jeep spawn .2 size on the radar when it enters, and dissapear when it leaves, and same thing for bots and players but with horse turned into a player, or a zombie

Everyone that says


go back and read page 1 boi

Gets a  :cookie:!

(post removed)
« Last Edit: December 15, 2009, 04:12:09 PM by Funny guy329 »

No sercret , just zone events ;)
If you want me to make one and post it online with description
(of course with full credit to you)


go back and read page 1 boi

OnEnterZone and OnLeaveZone