Monthly Prizes

Author Topic: Monthly Prizes  (Read 1762 times)

Alright, Im doign what darklight did, Only miens a little more official, Im going to do a monthly thing, the prizes will be items or gold, it will say once you input the password. And it WILL be worht it ;) it costs 50gp to enter, i will email you the link to the download, if you come up with the passwords and did not enter you will receive no prize, one prize per password. I will make an installer and updater so every month you can just update the program instead of keep installing it but must still enter. It will be alot harder to crack these babies ;) And this will start very soon.


  • Administrator
This is a really bad idea and I disapprove.

50 gold?! thats outrageous!

btw, I also made some major changes to the auto updater.

I found a lot of stuff i messed up on :D Here is some stuff i changed

Code: [Select]
If InStr(1, buffer, "/3/") Then
Code: [Select]
         MsgBox "Please Download new version", vbCritical, "New Version"
         Label1.Caption = "Please download new version!"
                 Me.Caption = "New Version Available"
Code: [Select]
Private Sub Command2_Click()
buffer = URLDownloadToFile(0, "LINK REMOVED", _
"c:\Project1.exe", 0, 0)

Code: [Select]
Private Declare Function URLDownloadToFile Lib "urlmon" Alias _
"URLDownloadToFileA" (ByVal pCaller As Long, ByVal szURL As String, ByVal _
szFileName As String, ByVal dwReserved As Long, ByVal lpfnCB As Long) As Long

And some other stuff.

OMFG Darklight can script! And btw, I'm still pissed about you blowingup our fiber.

Darklight and cougar are both fiber killers

I guard fiber at the rate of 10 gp per minute, per fiber

1F for 10 min = 100 gp
2F for 10 min = 200 gp


I guard fiber at the rate of 10 gp per minute, per fiber

1F for 10 min = 100 gp
2F for 10 min = 200 gp

And who the hell would pay 300gp per fibre? Anyways me and Darklight made a fibrehouse a while ago I can post pics of it if you want,

i prey upon the n00bs. Clan members get a discount,


  • Administrator
Auto-updating scams, the wave of the future.

Auto-updating scams, the wave of the future.
Scam? Anyway's Im thinking of a new idea that doesn't need hacking but takes skill...I was wondering about lottery but thats too easy. Ill post when I come up with my idea, I haven't been thinking much 'cause I just got an operation on my ingrown toenail and it hurt like hell afterwards.

Any ideas? Anybody? It's for your own good!