Author Topic: Video Games Influencing Children?  (Read 3616 times)

It doesn't make them want to murder people, but it makes them more annoying and obnoxious.

It doesn't make them want to murder people, but it makes them more annoying and obnoxious.

I have some sort of syndrome that makes it almost impossible to control my emotions.

I can get them under partial control now, but it grade 1, I got so pissed off by a activity I didn't get. (Draw something symetricle)

I threaten'd to blow up the school with a Bazooka.

EDIT: Was of-topic, but I watched my frined play some CoD with Bazooka's, and I thoguht they were awsome.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2009, 09:58:54 PM by Saxophone »


It is actually very easy to hold a xbox360 controller like a pistol, thats how I play cod.

Seriously my sister started a conversation on the way home from Cincinnati, and she said video games influence children to murder people. I told her that the kid would have been messed up to begin with, and most likely would have done it without the video games he played.
I hate it when people blame murders on video games.
Do you listen to Keith and the Girl, by any chance? They talked about this recently.

I think a kid needs to be forgeted in the head before to kill someone, but I could see video games being a partial catalyst if the kid is already crazy.

For example, in Columbine everyone pointed fingers at DOOM, but those Eric and Dylan had been socially ostracized for years. While it's true that they had a multitude of drawings of seemingly DOOM inspired weapons and sketches of DOOM-like scenes, I played UT3 a lot and you don't see me sketching people blowing up into little bloody chunks in the margins of my notebooks.

I'm gonna kill all the short kids at school with a crowbar!
forget off :(

For example, in Columbine everyone pointed fingers at DOOM, but those Eric and Dylan had been socially ostracized for years. While it's true that they had a multitude of drawings of seemingly DOOM inspired weapons and sketches of DOOM-like scenes, I played UT3 a lot and you don't see me sketching people blowing up into little bloody chunks in the margins of my notebooks.

I remember that day. I overheard some of my friends at school talking about it but I didn't think it was real, until I got home and saw the news.

Back on topic, I also remember hearing something on the radio about when Halo 2 came out, there was this guy that called in to the show and said, "It's good that they make games like this, otherwise we'd be out there doing it for real." Now granted, he wasn't a child, but still, not a good thing to say on a live radio show. They were talking about it for the next ~30 minutes.

I learned how to go down large Green Pipes, and swollow enemies with my tounge.

All. From. Video. Games.

I've been playing violent games since I was like, 6, and the worst thing I've ever done was set my preschool on fire.

I learned how to go down large Green Pipes, and swollow enemies with my tounge.

All. From. Video. Games.

Don't forget throwing fireballs.