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Author Topic: Muzzles56's Christmas house build-IMAGE HEAVY  (Read 3400 times)

I don't really like the exterior because it is mostly made out of 1x4s, and the roof is also pretty flat. The christmas lights also mess up the lighting on the interior. I think that you also used too much space and should have just made a smaller house. That way you don't get big empty spots. I pretty much like the interior except for the couches and the upstairs landing. The exterior also has a lack of color while the interior has lots of colors. But I have no voting power anyway.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 05:17:29 PM by Chefkokkie »


Also, i liek ur build alot  :cookieMonster:

The outside is bland and could use work. Although the inside was good.

Meh, well that's 1 week down the drain

Meh, well that's 1 week down the drain
Better luck next time.

Meh, well that's 1 week down the drain
I still say its good

Try apping for something else

Ill try apping for AoB then

I like it a lot. Hope you get in!

I like it a lot. Hope you get in!
Hopefully Ill get in ONE clan with this
I dont want 1 whole week wasted :C

Decision: Not Accepted

Rating: 6.5/10

It isn't bad. There are some good aspects and some bad, respectively. I like your interior more than the exterior, but your furniture could use a little work. I like the rugs, too. Overall, I don't think this build is quite up to the AoB standard. Maybe make the house exterior less plain and fill up some more space on the second floor landing. Also, a few things in there, like the closet, could probably be made to look a little bit better. If you change it a bit, this has potential. Good luck!

Goddamn it
Im pretty sure thats 1 week down the drain

Noticed the walls were 1x1 prints...
Spam fest much?

Noticed the walls were 1x1 prints...
Spam fest much?
Not really. It's the only way to give realistic looking walls with ironing boards

Needs more windows and less lights.