Author Topic: Wish Granted, but...  (Read 523626 times)

Granted, but it turns into cake that is a lie.
I wish I had a fast Windows computer with good gaming hardware.

granted but the motherboard fries 5 minutes into installing windows.

I wish I had delicious (non-lie) cake.

Granted, but it turns into ice cream, and you're lactose intolerant.
I wish, I wish, I was a fish.

Okay, you're a fish.

you're lactose intolerant.

I wish I wasn't lactose intolerant.

Granted, but you become air intolerant.
I wish for building skillz in Blockland.

Granted, but you become air intolerant.
I wish for building skillz in Blockland.

Granted, but then the main serve crashes....permanently

I wish I was an immortal phantom version of myself that could make things of whatever properties I want and not have to know prior knowledge of such things, while being able to go into any amount of control for any of these things/people anytime I wish, and no matter what happens to a body, even in full control, my phantom self would remain unaffected and I could leave said item/body at anytime :3.

That, by the way, cannot be corrupted by a "alternate universe" scenario.

The granter says, "tl;dr" and kills you.

I wish for a Stargate.

Wish granted, but than someone sticks a very long pointy implement though it, and pokes your solar plexus 5 or 6 times. BAH! LOLWUT?! OOF!

You loose -1 HP.

I wish I would stop making these stupid but funny KoL references.

Granted, but you make other crap jokes.

BTW, an object can't go through a Stargate unless fully submerged into the event horizon.

I wish for an Airsoft P90

Alright, hurls a large pointy stick THROUGH the stargate. Whatever.

Granted, but the first time you try to shoot it, it breaks open and air and metal fly everywhere, and stab you in various embarrassing places.

I wish for WORLD PEACE!  :cookieMonster:

Granted, but all violent video games (including Blockland) are deleted from the face of the earth. Nice job.

I wish for a reverse on this wish!

Wish not granted.

I wish my wish was a fish's wish, with which to do as he (the fish) wishes.

granted but, i dont want tHAT

The above grant does not make sense.

This post, and Banana lad's post, should be ignored, except for the first sentence of THIS post.

Granted but the fish is a dog

I wish my comp never got unplugged during instaling vistas ...