Author Topic: Wish Granted, but...  (Read 523424 times)

Granted, but vista is crap, and you unplug it anyways.

I wish to roll a katamari all the way around the world/universe with no restrictions whatsoever.

The katamari catches fire.

I wish Jango Fett would go screw himself

Granted but he drowns in his "juice" and you have to watch

I wish that I would have bought blockland when I started playing in august instead of waiting untill october .


Wish granted, but the screw is kindof stuck in his brain now. I bet he's gone screwy now!


Katamari on the RocksFlames? AWESOME! Eat large flaming parts of the earth, alien scum!

@ Chasey cause Bushi no wish:
Wish granted but you when V9 comes out there is some code in it that permabans you from all servers and servers to come.
I wish nothing bad would happen.

Granted, but nothing else happens either.

I wish for doom to befall some random evil alien race by the means of flaming katamari. Most notably mine.

Granted, but they abduct you at the last minute and turn you into one of their own.

I wish that the next person is forced to watch an endless loop of the companion cube's euthinization.

Granted, but I turned blind

I wish that I can see again

Granted, but you are blinded again.

I wish

granted, but not really  :cookieMonster:

I wish oh I wish I was a fish

Granted but it is a cat

I wish I had lots of money .

wish granted, but its counterfiet and you get van'd

i wish for a rule 34 on bridget

Granted, but your eyes bleed and run out of their sockets. Then your face melts off.

I wish for green eggs and ham.

wish granted but you get salmonella and a tapeworm

i wish for a dollar for charity

wish granted, but as you get your dollar a dog eats it.

i wish i had my own lego animation show on tv.