Author Topic: Wish Granted, but...  (Read 525041 times)

Granted but the party van rolls up.

I wish for something starting with m

Granted, but it's mothers.

I wish for snow.

Granted but its yellow.

I wish the dams would fill up.

ugh they did

I wish this tread was stickied!

Granted, but only for a second  :cookieMonster:

I wish for a pipe cleaner.

Granted, but you bend it too much and it breaks in half, and splits an atom, then the whole world explodes.

I wish for a car.

Granted but you fail to drive it and you lose you're license and your car

I wish for a wish that would grant me a wish

Wish granted, but your mother took it.

I wish my BL_ID was 4.

wish granted, but it was -4

i wish i could fly!

Granted, but you got over excited and flew straight into the engine of an aircraft.

I wish I had a wallet with an endless supply of 100 dollar bills.

Granted but its monopoly money.

I wish for a fish.

Granted, but you're fish food

I wish my self a better PC

Granted but it ASPLODES

I wish for a big red button.

Granted, but I push it and you explode.

I wish for some sunglasses.