Author Topic: Wish Granted, but...  (Read 525157 times)

Wish granted but there is a special poison that makes noobs in dog outfits blow up
good, then i wont blow up, and im not a trolling, ive posted on this thread before

Ontopic: I wihs for non-poisonous pie

i meant the one about deviantart

not trolling that one either

ganted but "No dinner for king" made it and it doesn't taste very good

i wish for unlimited memory on my computer

Wish granted but your parents sell it.

I wish for a pet chicken.

Wish granted, but it pecks you.
I wish for more PS3 Games.  :cookieMonster:

Wish granted but your PS3 kills itself because they suck so bad.

I wish I could fly!

Granted, but you don't know how to and fly against the Empire State Building.

I wish I was you!

Granted but you're now albino.

I wish for a drawing kit. :D

Wish granted but the pencils fall down a drain.

I wish for some polish for my iPhone (People keep using my phone and getting sweaty fingerprints on it!)

wish granted but  some thieve took the polisher and took your iphone

i wish to be the wolf god! and is able to destroy anything in the universe

Granted, but then you explode of pure awesomeness


I wish for a donut. Glazed... yum.

Granted, but then they UN GLAZE IT D=

I wish for a donut too. Chocolate with sprinkles

wish granted but the sprinkles are made of bombs

i wish my guitar sounds awesome and can destroy anything if i want it too

Granted, but it makes you have wild love with your mom.

I wish i had 8gb RAM and a 6 core processor...