Author Topic: Wish Granted, but...  (Read 560257 times)

Granted, but I'm an starfish and I error people's Wish Systems like that  :cookieMonster:

I wish I had a mozzarella and roasted garlic chicken sausage.

EDIT: ...Fully cooked.

You burn you tounge when eating it.

I wish that my dog could talk.

You burn you tounge when eating it.

I wish that my dog could talk.

Eating what?

Granted, but he tells the cops about your animal abuse and you go to jail.

I wish dogs couldn't talk.

Already true.

I wish to be poular

Granted, but then all the fairies in Fairy World make a raging cage match and die in horrible flames.

I wish you weren't popular.

Granted, but I was never popular, so nothing happened.

I wish my next wish has some kind of twist to it, which immediately nullifies it or worsens my situation.

Wish granted but your loophole causes a time paradox and you get slowly shredded apart from a black hole as you feel every single atom in your body explode.

I wish for RAGE by IdSoftware to come out. :D

Granted, but its a crap game so you throw it out.

(Huehue just kidding it looks hella tight.)

I wish the person to grant my wish forgets to write a side-effect.

Granted, but its a crap game so you throw it out.

(Huehue just kidding it looks hella tight.)

I wish the person to grant my wish forgets to write a side-effect.

Granted, but then he remembers and you explode :3

I wish for a new computer.

It explodes once you turn it on

i wish megascientifical would stop lying about making this thread and trying to control the game. And yell at others saying they dont do it right when he does not

I wish for a Falcon Jtag

I wish for a Falcon Jtag

It dissolves :cookieMonster:

I wish that I had remembered to wish a proper wish when I posted this wish. Wishful thinking.

Granted, but you die.

I wish Obama died.

Granted, but now Osama is alive.

I wish for a new gaming computer.

granted, than it blows up.