Author Topic: Wish Granted, but...  (Read 527308 times)

I wish I had Lego Star Wars 3.

wait wat

that game wasnt in development till years after this post and the second one wasnt even out yet :o

wait wat

that game wasnt in development till years after this post and the second one wasnt even out yet :o
someone can see into the future...

This is still alive?

Granted, but it slowly runs away like a pusillanimous individual when your not looking

I wish that my Conspiracy Theory Neighbor would move away.

Wish granted but,

He dies in a horrible/mysterious accident.

To whom do I grant wishes?

 I wish I knew!

Granted but your brain explodes.

I wish there werent so many dramawhores.

Granted but you become one

I wish there was a Halloween every season

Granted, but no one celebrates halloween any longer.

I wish for 10,000 lego pieces.

Granted, but no one celebrates halloween any longer.

I wish for 10,000 lego pieces.
granted,but half of them explode and you axcidently arm them and die

i wish that i had a 3rd brother. XD

granted but you get kick for double posting

i wish i was a better speller

granted but you are disabled in every way! :D

i wish that tomarrow wont be a bad day :D

Your mother dies at 11:59 tonight.

I wish this text was red.

too bad its purple

i wish that my homework was done :(

granted but life is unfair and your homework spontaneously combusts

I wish Alexander Cohen didn't make the movie Bruno

Too bad he made Spoono, All about gay orgies. Instead of one gay guy

I wish my forehead wasnt so big.

Too bad he made Spoono, All about gay orgies. Instead of one gay guy

I wish my forehead wasnt so big.
granted,but you get sniped straite into the heart and a docter had to do sugery like with 100 feet tall bone saws and every thing.

i wish,i wish,i wish that my cousins EVIL dog would stop trying to eat every ****ing crap she sees

Granted, but then she eats everything she smells.

I wish I was able to wish