Author Topic: Wish Granted, but...  (Read 523420 times)


I wish for what he wished for.

Granted but you realise UT3 is boring.

I wish to own a WHOLE coconut.

The coconut hsa no meat and no juice and you get pissed.

I wish i had a Klondike Bar.

Wish granted but.. the Klondike truck falls down the hill so theres no more Klondike Bars.

I wish I had a brain.

Wish Granted, but it is big as this cookie: :cookie:

I wish Zombies is spelled like this; S-0-|v|-B-1-3-S. (yabba mah icing)

Granted, but zombies accidently are now called YABBA MY ICING as a glitch with the wish.

I wish it was 11:00 PM

Granted, but zombies accidently are now called YABBA MY ICING as a glitch with the wish.

I wish it was 11:00 PM
It is, just not there.

I wish about ghosts?

Wish granted, but the Ghost Busters eliminated them all.

I wish i had a Dodge Viper.

Wish granted, but it also came with a real viper that bites and kills you.

I wish I had three testicles.

Granted, but you start masturbating harder now that you have three, and you loose two of them in a tragic fapping accident.

I wish the word I had more than one latter so I could more easily spell it wrong.

Wish granted, but you are entered in a life or death spelling bee against your will. Your only word is ehyi and you spell it eyhy. You are vaporized on the spot.

I wish I stopped doing my homework so late.

Wish granted, but then you just stopped doing it all together.

I wish I could figure out if the dog who some girl at my bus stop walks there every morning with her parents was trying to hump me or give me a sort of hug when he puts his paws up on my leg for a breif second.

Wish granted, but you are entered in a life or death spelling bee against your will. Your only word is ehyi and you spell it eyhy. You are vaporized on the spot.

I wish I stopped doing my homework so late.
Granted, you now do it 5 weeks before the teacher gives it out and you get put in Juvenal' for stealing homework from the teachers house.

I wish MasterCE (account) wasn't perma-banned, so I could use it again.

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Wish granted, but nothing bad happens. I just place a hit on you with the maffia because you didn't grant my wish.

I wish there was something on TV right now.

Granted, a poisonous spider appears on your TV, crawls off, and attacks you. You die before reaching the hospital.

I wish monkeys grew wings.