Author Topic: Wish Granted, but...  (Read 527322 times)

Whis granted? but than the words "i wish" gets bigger and bigger and stuffs your toilet and you have no where to stuff so you die because you stuffed yourself.
I wish that you wished that i was the best at everything.

wish granted but your also best at being gay

i wish for a plasma gun

granted but a homeless guy steals it blows you head off steals your money and goes to get a laptop

I wish i was made of rubber!!

granted now your are a sheild for people

i wish for pie

Granted, but you really like pie?

I wish my ID will be 3456My ID is 3465, i was so close.

granted but then badspot changes it to 6000
yes i like pie

i wish for a portal gun

Granted, but it phails while holding a truck in the air above your head.
You die.

I wish for stuff.

you get the stuff but it appears over your head and crushes you

I wish for a pet baby cheetah

wish granted, but the cheetah turns into a zombie and chases you around until you get tired and it eats you.

I wish to i was the most powerful super seiyan in the universe!!!!!!!!!!!!

granted, but dragon ball z blew up from the ka may a may a

i wish i had xbox live.

granted, but dragon ball z blew up from the ka may a may a

i wish i had xbox live.

wish granted but you die of too much fun and addiction

i wish i could fly

Granted but you were shot down by a russian missal.

I wish i was a  pancake with frosting and a   :cookie: on top.

Granted but it exploads.

I wish for a second envelope for Kairi's birthday card that I screwed up.

Granted but you screwed it up again.

I wish for to not be bad at blockland! :3