Author Topic: Torchlight  (Read 1603 times)
Really awesome RPG from Runic Games, you can find it on steam for $5 right now.
There's three classes, lots of stuff to do, and there are some mods too. A good thing to get if you want to use mods is Torchleech.
I'm only level 10 and I've got some kickass weapons :D

It's okay, and I may buy it since it's on sale.  Not sure how much I'll like it though, some of the skills are disappointing compared to even normal attacks.

It's okay, and I may buy it since it's on sale.  Not sure how much I'll like it though, some of the skills are disappointing compared to even normal attacks.
You can always get skill/ability mods and it's fun anyway

Buying it now. Truce got me to buy it. :3

Wow, were you just waiting for my Torchlight thread to go off the first page? Edit: it's not even off the first page yet :/

Wow, were you just waiting for my Torchlight thread to go off the first page? Edit: it's not even off the first page yet :/
Actually I didn't see it :s

I'll post some pictures of my alchemist:

And so I don't have to take a picture of all the tabs:

My Skills:
[1] Ember Bolt
[8] Ice Shock
[8] Nether Imp
[6] Summon Alchemic Golem V2 MkIII
[8] Ember Shield
[1] Identify Item
[1] Summon Zombies II
[1] Heal All IV
[1] Summon Flaming Sword IV

Pet Skills:
[1] Heal Self I
[1] Frost II

Just bought this game.

when i heard the people from diablo worked on this, I-


No credit card :(

can i have? :(

Looks WAY to much like wow.

Looks WAY to much like wow.
Some of the screens reminded me a lot of WoW.

when you buy torchlight, some of your money gets donated so that torchlight can become a free mmo.

I bought  that game. Really fun.
I defeated Brink so far.
I'm alchemist. :D