Author Topic: Fail to Borderlands  (Read 1518 times)

I just bought Borderlands for PC and it dosent work. My graphics card is a nividea and apparently it dosentt support nividea when they advertise it in the beginning credits.
My problem is that everything is black the scenes look fine but in game and the menue EVERYTHINHG is black or dark grey.
Anyone know a solution?

I just bought Borderlands for PC and it dosent work. My graphics card is a nividea and apparently it dosentt support nividea when they advertise it in the beginning credits.
My problem is that everything is black the scenes look fine but in game and the menue EVERYTHINHG is black or dark grey.
Anyone know a solution?
I think the problem is that you graphics card is crap/too old/missing the required drivers for the game.

I just bought Borderlands for PC and it dosent work. My graphics card is a nividea and apparently it dosentt support nividea when they advertise it in the beginning credits.
My problem is that everything is black the scenes look fine but in game and the menue EVERYTHINHG is black or dark grey.
Anyone know a solution?
What model is your video card?

im not shure what type exactly nor do I know how to see what type it is lol srry

im not shure what type exactly nor do I know how to see what type it is lol srry

Wow, you don't even know what video card you have? Well, that probably means you have a stock one and didn't put a good one in yourself.

Wow, you don't even know what video card you have? Well, that probably means you have a stock one and didn't put a good one in yourself.

Now for some help not a comment of no use

Now for some help not a comment of no use
Get a better video card if it's a stock one that came with an average computer. If what you have is a gaming computer purchased within the past two years, then you probably don't need to get a new video card.

Get a better video card if it's a stock one that came with an average computer. If what you have is a gaming computer purchased within the past two years, then you probably don't need to get a new video card.

Whay thanks you good sir

(Not Sarcasm)

Whay thanks you good sir
Hey, you're not giving me any information I can use to help you other than the fact that you have a stuffty video card/stuffty drivers. And if you DO have stuffty/outdated drivers, I won't be able to link you to the newer updated versions because you don't know what video card you have.

Edit: fffff whatever.

I have an Nvidia.
It runs very smoothly on its highest graphics.
Either you are lying or your pc sucks.

Camel avatar for anyone that wants it

I have an Nvidia.
It runs very smoothly on its highest graphics.
Either you are lying or your pc sucks.
Uh, nVidia could be anything from the horrible 6200 of many years ago to the GTX295, which outperforms most other cards.