Author Topic: Favorite candy of all time!  (Read 5619 times)

I love those green Jawbreaker things. Eating those is like a adventure. I don't like the bigger ones though. The  only thing I think about when eating those is trying not to chock on them. D:
I also really like Oreo's, but I'd say they fall under cookies. Cookies are always awesome.
Yogygums. THEY ARE SO AWESOME. But I think they only exist in my country. They have this sweet filling that includes fruit taste and a few layers of win. And they are pretty cheap too. The bag is completely filled, and I think the bag is just a little bit bigger then the gummybear bags. This is what they look like:

So awesome :3

Also, I'm afraid to admit it, but i'd slightly prefer chocolate M&M's over skittles. sowwy guys. :{

Don't edit my post, cigarette.
I shall edit whoever's post necessary to fit my needs

1.St (No longer sold in UK as far as I have looked) - Nerds:

2.Nd (Only recently found them over here :O) - Reece's Pieces:

3.Rd (Old favourite) - Mint Creams:

And a tonne of others that I can't be arsed to list

You Americans are lucky. You get all sorts of candy

This stuff's made in Japan and I can only buy it when I go to India.

It's like heroine in bubblegum form. ;-;
dude i love that, i get it when i goto the japanese grocery store :3

2.Nd (Only recently found them over here :O) - Reece's Pieces:

haha i just had two packets of them :D

i just like anything sour or have penut butter in them

You Americans are lucky. You get all sorts of candy

theres a shop in london that ive been to that sells all the american and japanese stuff

You Americans are lucky. You get all sorts of candy
But apparantly we put more sugar into ours though. Although that's just what I heard.

I guess my favourite would have to be either.
B)Terry's Chocolate Orange
Other than the Caramel one though. I love caramel sweets, but Caramel in a Kit-Kat just isn't that nice.

theres a shop in london that ive been to that sells all the american and japanese stuff

I ate those, literally, 20 minutes ago
I ate the choco ones and have a peanut packet right beside me

i prefer peanut m&ms

i got a bag of almond m&ms from that shop

i prefer peanut m&ms

i got a bag of almond m&ms from that shop
I only preferr the choco and crispy ones because you get more in them, but peanut <3

I could probably live on Chocolate M&M's.
Or Minstrels. *Drool*

Or generally anything Galaxy chocolate actually... Other than Mars Bars.. I get sick too fast on Mars Bars. [/obesity]