Author Topic: Clonk Rage  (Read 28635 times)

Update so others can join :/
Neenja Edit: 13th page is mine, 20 dollars to post on it!

Neenja Edit: 13th page is mine, 20 dollars to post on it!
First it was saying we were running different client versions, now its just saying I cant connect to your server

First it was saying we were running different client versions, now its just saying I cant connect to your server

I cant connect either. You is broke.

Try again, it should have a password.

Guys join the Jesse-PC server
Its SuperToxic :D
Oops never mind
Its Sonic873

Ignore that whole post

Now, Im gonna host since he was laggy
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 07:40:15 PM by Colten »

Kk joining.

Post when your done forwarding colten
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 07:39:59 PM by Slugger »


Pass is 'blockland'
All lowercase
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 07:42:13 PM by Colten »

this is terrible :cookieMonster:

anyways, the ports that you should forward are in the network options of the game.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 08:59:29 PM by Radial543 »

Sorry about closing the server so soon, But I had to go to my Mom's

If you have bought the game, you get to use an in-depth editor. I think that I am going to be create some levels soon, seeing that there is a full developer wiki that can be referenced.

Okay, im going to sleep, but i promise to host tomorrow.