Author Topic: What has happened to our beloved forums?  (Read 3023 times)

They full of tribals now.
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Welcome to the internet.

I know! I can hardly go anywhere without running into idiots like you. I'm glad you recognize this problem, but what is your plan for fixing it?

I know! I can hardly go anywhere without running into idiots like you. I'm glad you recognize this problem, but what is your plan for fixing it?
Like 1 person can.

Posting ascii pictures will make me friends, durp

I honestly think that this is spam. And moronic doomsday prophesizing.

I honestly think that this is spam. And moronic doomsday prophesizing.
Lock it if I could.

Lock it if I could.
A good alternative would be to stop posting all together.

I'm saving that text :D

I'm saving that text :D
Go ahead. Take it and leave JUST LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO

relationship problems?

relationship problems?

Something like that. i cba posting on this thread anymore.

He just wanted to use that text art to look like a badass, I bet you anything.

He just wanted to use that text art to look like a badass, I bet you anything.
idc what my last post was. i want to prove this dude i didn't...
it was a gesture to tribals.