Author Topic: What has happened to our beloved forums?  (Read 3022 times)

idc what my last post was. i want to prove this dude i didn't...
it was a gesture to tribals.
You don't care, ey?

Stop posting.

idc what my last post was. i want to prove this dude i didn't...
it was a gesture to tribals.

You could've used words, and a great arguement supporting your statement. But all you did was make yourself look like a jackass.

Um, I don't really understand this topic at all.

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I cant read that...

Oh well

It says 'Am i cool now?!'.

Why should rules be made against racism?  None of the friends on this forum seriously mean anything when they call someone a stupid monday.  Racial stereotypes are fun and entertaining, so quit bitching.

Sorry, just hung a monday. :cookieMonster:

Sebster, hating someone like you is not called racism.

They full of tribals now.
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Has anyone else noticed that the pinkies are on the outside?

If the arms were not crossed, the pinkies would be on the inside, and thumbs on the outside.

So obviously, those are not flipping us the bird. He tried to make a mad pose... on the internet.


That reminds me of this helpful phrase:

Black or gay? Stay away. Asian or Jew? Just walk on through.

Now you'll always know if someone can give you aids. :3

That reminds me of this helpful phrase:

Black or gay? Stay away. Asian or Jew? Just walk on through.

Now you'll always know if someone can give you aids. :3

Has anyone else noticed that the pinkies are on the outside?

If the arms were not crossed, the pinkies would be on the inside, and thumbs on the outside.

So obviously, those are not flipping us the bird. He tried to make a mad pose... on the internet.

Damn. :D