Author Topic: *New LAG Icon!!* -UPDATE- Now transparent-  (Read 39565 times)

i loooooovvvveeee it! o yea     


1 question... HOW THE forget DO YOU CHANGE IT WITH THE loving CURRENT!!!!!
*puts back on inocent look* Ill give you imaginary online cookies!!! :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

got any no's?

hit me
*gets a no*

enough of the stuffs and giggles
im serious when i say No.

wow you would you handicap!

Everyone that has said _No._ Is a forgetIN CRITIC!!!

I find its awsome and should not be doubted by saying _No._
At least say whats wrong with it for forget Sake...

I'm not agreeing with what I put now... but here is what you could put:
'Its wrong and it has bad laguage in it'
'What if a little Child about the age of 7 reads it and tells his/her mom about it and she gets really mad with her child!'
'Dude... Its swearing and it's wrong... Plus you shouldn't make a modification like that'
'You can't see the forgetIN in it because it's to small...'
(-( This could be one... I'm not sure..... )-)

You could at least tell Maddax about one of these or one of your own problems but just don't say _No._ for once.....

Try something more colorful, like this, but that one you made, is fine.

Jesus, its my first post. Dont be starfishs D:

its not even an add-on its a ui-edit
post it in the ui dumping area

Everyone that has said _No._ Is a forgetIN CRITIC!!!

I find its awsome and should not be doubted by saying _No._
At least say whats wrong with it for forget Sake...

I'm not agreeing with what I put now... but here is what you could put:
'Its wrong and it has bad laguage in it'
'What if a little Child about the age of 7 reads it and tells his/her mom about it and she gets really mad with her child!'
'Dude... Its swearing and it's wrong... Plus you shouldn't make a modification like that'
'You can't see the forgetIN in it because it's to small...'
(-( This could be one... I'm not sure..... )-)

You could at least tell Maddax about one of these or one of your own problems but just don't say _No._ for once.....
Stop using colors, they don't make you cool.
Use quotation marks, not underscores.
Anyone rating an add-on or posting something about it or an opinion is called a critic. You are a critic yourself.