Author Topic: My rat  (Read 1703 times)

Ok so i have a rat shes about a year old now. Ive noticed some red on her back and sides. I am planning on washing her and if that dont work i might get her nails trimmned. Does anyone have expirience on this kindof stff. Reason why i used the BL forums is because theres a lot of people here and i could find helpful info anywhere ive seen so far. So yah it would be nice for some help on this.

Nails trimmed.
It seems your rat scratches it's self.

Unless, the red is just paint or something.

Nails trimmed.
It seems your rat scratches it's self.

Unless, the red is just paint or something.
Rat has dermatitis.

Hmm yah theres no paint. So where would one come accross getting thier rat's nails trimmned. i dont want to do it myself because shes a little squirmish and i heard rats have blood vains in thier claws. I live in Colton, California in teh USA. Ive never heard of a place to get my rat's nails trimmed so do you? Maybe elliots or daryls pet shops. And one last thing, is it expensave? I dont have that much money.

Nono she definitly not sick. Shes allway happy and running around and happy to get a treat. So no mood shows how rats a feeling so no shes not sick

Nono she definitly not sick. Shes allway happy and running around and happy to get a treat. So no mood shows how rats a feeling so no shes not sick
skin    disease of
Dermatitis doesn't affect your mood....
It makes skin red, flakey and itchy.

See its not he skin its on certaint spots of the fur. No flakes or nothin. But if she does have this illness what can i do to cure or atleast help it?

Blood stains.
She/he has a raw spot.
Shower her/him with mostiurizing shampoo (no scent)
Dry her/him

OK i know what two of those are but what a Raw spot???

P.S. It a she sorry I've had some misspelling

Raw spot is a place where she has scratched the fur and skin off of the spot
Also, just came to mind, check her mouth for broken teeth or bloody ulcer.

Ok so i have a rat shes about a year old now. Ive noticed some red on her back and sides. I am planning on washing her and if that dont work i might get her nails trimmned. Does anyone have expirience on this kindof stff. Reason why i used the BL forums is because theres a lot of people here and i could find helpful info anywhere ive seen so far. So yah it would be nice for some help on this.
Personally I would ask a vet or pet someone who has experience with this and works at a pet store.

OK so tomorrow ill AsK the vet what to do and then ill Wash her. Oh i have puppy shampoo should i use that on her?
« Last Edit: January 28, 2010, 10:04:59 PM by mourgaina »

Gah someone say somehing

Perhaps go to an Animal help forum or Vet?