Author Topic: So, I quit fast food.  (Read 2374 times)

I love fast food. Probably because I don't have to make it, but also because I find it DELICIOUS.
However, it's quite apparent that it isn't good for me in any manner, and spurred by my girlfriend, I've decided to almost entirely relinquish fast food, in favor of healthier foods. I didn't eat fast food daily or anything like that, maybe twice a week, but regardless;

It's day 3.

I want a McDouble :(

fix: make a navy bean pie
you will never need another food in your life

You're a loving nutjob, I have like 3 tripple whoppers or 9 big macs a week.

You're a loving nutjob, I have like 3 tripple whoppers or 9 big macs a week.
You're going to die.

You're going to die.
Yeah but it's worth it. :3
Anyways, I need fuel for my 4-day non-sleeping sprees.

I should stay out of this topic because if I told you I haven't eaten any fast food for about 2 months you'd be complete richards.

I should stay out of this topic because if I told you I haven't eaten any fast food for about 2 months you'd be complete richards.

Good work!

I should stay out of this topic because if I told you I haven't eaten any fast food for about 2 months you'd be complete richards.

But really, it's probably a better decision. Even if it's delicious it's unhealthy as forget.

I rarely ever have fast food. Hamburgers aren't really my food of choice, nor french fries. Infact if I ever have fast food, it's either some chicken nuggets or a taco.

here is what i do for my occasional fast food eat out
a double bacon cheesburger from wendys(I buy a bacon cheeseburger and a double cheesburger and put the contents of the Bcheesburger onto the Dcheesburger.)
large fries from mcdonalds, and a rootbeer from mcdonalds.

or maybe i get a breakfast burrito from hardees.