Author Topic: BL_ID 20,000 almost there.  (Read 7267 times)

If your ID is in the 4K I'm sure it was 3 years ago...
Anyways , i just cant imagine that i was one of those ''Waz that?'' and ''HOWDOIGETCOLORZ?'' guys  :cookieMonster:
You're 1 ID ahead of me. :)


Put on your aluminum foil hats, the world is gonna end.

Holy crap! Sev is it true? I need to buckle down on that nuclear bunker build! I'll take a few people in when it's done.

Holy crap! Sev is it true? I need to buckle down on that nuclear bunker build! I'll take a few people in when it's done.
You mean my bunker?
*takes out crowbar*.

Ive seen a 19890 or something like that on Redpikmins server.

20000 Daimos Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:12 am

From RTB ID list, sorry for 1 day bawmp.


Please gimme shelter before they all jump on top of me and do the BL-Shag!

We made it to 20,000!
And where was I for this?

Daimos     Fri Feb 19, 2010 9:12 am
Which is 4:12AM EST

No one buys Blockland overnight, grrr...

I bet in like 2 years well be up to like 99ks and there will be a topic "BL_ID 100,000 almost there"
Hmm i wonder what version of Blockland we will be by then.... im guessing around v25, I wonder what updates Badspot will add by then.

He'll probably turn it into a multinational business making millions of dollars, with a huge team of programmers. Oh did I mention his toilet will be plated with gold :P

I hope we get to 999,999 because it will really kill off LAN ids xD