Author Topic: What was the last movie that made you cry?  (Read 5264 times)


Title says it all. What was the last movie to make you cry? If it was a video game that made you cry, just put that. Or if no movies or games made you cry, what did?

Let's hear it.

It was Gladiator for me. Just watched it earlier today. I cried like a damn baby at the end. :(
Others that got me:
Of Mice And Men
A Time To Kill
« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 04:45:49 PM by dkamm65 »

Mother 3.
Mother 3, Mother 3, Mother 3. That is all.

The movie for the book Cry the Beloved Country.

Where the red fern grows, I was 8 okay :'C those poor dogs

Movies don't make me cry. I can identify the difference between a movie and real life.

Not Without My Daughter.

I honestly can't think of movies that have made me cry. Marley and Me got me close, though.

Where the red fern grows, I was 8 okay :'C those poor dogs

I cried from the book. :(

My mom and sister cried after seeing Dear John. But then again, there girls.

That's the only movie.

I guess it was probably something like "I am Legend". Only due to the dog dyin'. ;c

Mind you, I don't completely blubber or anything, I get tearful though.

Where the red fern grows, I was 8 okay :'C those poor dogs

When I was reading that book back in 5th grade or something I got so sad. I tried to keep tears in because these cigarettegy girls made fun of everyone that cried :3

I forget what the movie was called, but it was about Jennifer Lopez playing a young teenage reggae singer who quickly rose to fame and was shot by her financial manager over money or something.

That's the only movie.
That's the only movie I've felt actual sadness from.

And its a Pixar movie for Christ's sake.