
Do you know what is (before reading this)?


Author Topic: What is "Ping"  (Read 2017 times)

Maybe it's a word like car, that doesn't stand for anything but infact is a word itself.
Along with "maybe", "word", "like", and "stand".

ping is 1 player table tennis

ping is 1 player table tennis
Pong is 2 player virtual tennis.

how can i find out my ping

ping is how good your connection to the internet is low=good big=BAD so sense v14 came out Ive been working out fine

ping is how good your connection to the internet is low=good big=BAD so sense v14 came out Ive been working out fine
Congrats, you bumped a topic to answer a question already answered on page one.

What if someones ping was 1?
Nearly instant connection.

oh shut up i was only trying to help

oh shut up i was only trying to help
But it's not really helping if it's already been helped

how old are you 1?
That's just uncalled for and it doesn't make any sense, a one year old couldn't be typing sentences and spelling correctly, let alone use a computer at all, i am 15, FYI

Just calm down, no one is trying to annoy you in any way

Great now I feel like a one year old.