Author Topic: Pick up an object near you.  (Read 32447 times)

I got an airstrike radio. My dad is in the marines. Yay. And also, his M4 which is loaded.

I would slaughter everyone zombie on the loving planet with what I picked up.

The pen is mightier than the sword, bish.
Write them spam letters?

i picked up a pen...... Not good.

I picked up a Piplup stylus for my DS.... uh...

Purell Hand sanitizer

I'm screwed

I picked up my box of sharp items. >:D

A few wii removtes and a large amount of tape :O

I R GONAN SRVIVE!!!! -emote spam here-

A little Lego gun.

I might survive.

The book that my sister left here yesterday, twillight.

This is gonna kill hordes of zombies. >:D

The book that my sister left here yesterday, twillight.

This is gonna kill hordes of zombies. >:D
It may as well be a spellbook. If you read it, they'll all kill themselves.

-Picks up candy-


I would blind all the zombies with the awesomeness of chocolate?

I picked up my cellphone.
I would call for air extraction, go to my sercit dino base, and release my special team of Laser Velociraptors.
They would hunt down the zombies and eat them.
Sadly, they would be zombiefied themselves, and would turn against me.
With only my wits and seven McGyver writers, I would escape onboard an Alpha Centauri colony ship and live happily ever after in a zero-g enviroment.
 :cookie: to anyone that can find a hole in this foolproof plan.